Sunday, March 06, 2005

Just a run-of-the-mill update... Don't get excited.

Firstly, let me appologise for not blogging since tuesday. (Lank was truly dissapointed as he had nothing to read at work on Wednesday morning!) The fact is that during the week very little happens to me.... But not yesterday. Yesterday I booked, and paid for, my ticket to Reading so I am officially going... Now all I need is a tent..... And a sleeping bag.....

On to more pressing matters, I finally accuired a carburettor for my little car. (Thanks dad!) I will have it fitted by the end of next week (with a bit of luck) and can get rid of it...... That reminds me, I really should start hunting the garages for second-hand cars. I haven't been for a week or two so I must find the time to get out there and find myself a "pukka motor"

Right.... I'm falling asleep at my computer so I am off to bed.

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