Saturday, March 19, 2005

Electronic music? Piss off!

Thursday night was good. Mr Joe Lynock, who I haven't seen since my GNVQ at collage, made an appearance in the Packhorse. Truly a funny funny guy, lets hope he comes out more often. Donna's night out on friday at Barracuda was OK, the drinks weren't badly priced but the repetetive electronic techno-shite that they call music put a downer on the evening. It just sounds like someone putting up a shelf, with just one "beep" sound and a constant "bss bss bss bss bss bss bss" noise playing through the obscenely sized speakers. Just think, some dickhead got paid thousands of pounds for doing that... Not being an afficionado of Birmingham night-life, I was wondering if there is some sort of club that specializes in being a nice place, with decent rock music, without attracting the local army of undead (i.e Goths) I fear not... Its one end of the scale or the other; the army of undead or the Burberry cladded minions of Chavsville. You just can't win these days.

Well my beloved readers, there is more happening on the new car front. I almost actually bought one today! However, I might hold out a bit longer so as to secure a magnificent bargain. I would rather wait and get a fantastic car, than rush in and get a "quite good" car.

I'm going to sign off...

Quick tip: Never order spaghetti in a restaurant. You look like a pleb when trying to eat it.

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