Sunday, April 10, 2005

I can't think of a witty title for this one.... Sorry

Well work was quiet. So not much to report there, but we will press on. As I write this pointless, yet almost mandatory blog, I am listening to Queen. I won't bore you with all the speel I'll just get on with it...

Tomorrow I am going to the Bank to withdraw the money for a car! With a careful eye, a wad of cash, and some luck, I might, just possibly, maybe have a new car by Saturday. But only if I can find a suitable one in Autotrader. I am taking father (or is father taking me?) on Friday to view any/all decent Mondeos on sale. I will still need to get the Golfs door resprayed and sold at some point but that shouldn't be a problem.

I am going to bed now.... I have work tomorrow.

did you know: "Weed killer" in Dutch is "Wim twat" (I bet you didn't!)

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