Monday, February 13, 2006

Skittles, Beer, and Depression

Yes readers, 'tis I. I thought I would blog today as a marker for several things that have happened. Some good, some not-so-good...

Today was the first day of the half-term holidays. I had nothing planned so I got up late after a fantastic lie-in and bummed around the house for a bit. I then cleaned the livingroom and did the washing up (well I loaded the dishwasher.) I then noticed the post in the porch so I got it in. There was a letter for me from Warwick... I new what it was, it was the letter saying how I had done in the interview...

... It was not good.

Basically, even if I do my numeracy course, I still don't qualify for a place on the GTP. This really hacks me off because I thought I did quite well and was told that my responses to questions were very good. I think I may have to face up to the fact that I am simply not good enough to get on the course, and that at some point will need to choose a different career. The problem is that I have spent 7 years of my life working towards my goal, and now that it is within arms reach, I keep being turned away...

Anyway, after reading it through I decided to update the stuff I have on my phone. I put on a few music files that I had on the PC and sorted them in to folders on the memory card in my phone. Nothing really happened then until about 8pm when Adam, John, and Marcus arrived at the front door. We had planned to go bowling so we jumped in my car and set off for Rubery. I won the first game and Adam won the second. We then spent some money in the arcade. We played a game that involved holding obsenely large guns and shouting at the screen... Very strange. On the way home we decided to stop off at the Swan for a drink. Jenny, Nicola, and Julia were in there so we sat with them. Marcus did OK for himself as he left with Julias number, and the promise of a date.... Wonderful, but why can't I end up with people's phone numbers? I'd like to sit down with a group of girls I don't know and end up with a valid phone number, honesly, I am so far out-of-the-loop it isn't even funny...

Ah well. At least I've got Valentines day to remind me how lonely I am....

TTFN readers.

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