Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Why does it have to be so hot!?

hello readers, and welcome to this weeks thrilling update. I will tell you right now that this is going to be brief because:

1. My tea is nearly ready
2. Im boiling hot and need a cold shower to stop myself from spontaneously combusting, and
3. I am a very busy bee, painting the school set for Grease. I have had to bring some of it home with me to get it finished on time.

But lets start at the begining...

Monday. The evening was spent in Solihull with Adam and Marcus.

Tuesday. See Above

Wednersday. At Science Club after work, we did a bit of alchemy and made gold! (well, fools gold, actually) In the evening I went down to Fathers before popping in to the Swan to see Donna

Thursday. Packhorse night. Lank picked me up as usual. We got to the Packhorse and was joined, after about 15 minutes, by none other than Carl! Yes, he is back from Uni' and a merry welcome back to Brum goes out to him!

Friday. I went, after work to buy Dragonball Z: Burst limit for the 360. it is rather good... Actually it is absolutely brilliant! I love it. In the evening I went over to Carl, Adam, and Marcuses with it to show off.

Ah, Saturday. In the day I was out-and-about. In the evening I went with dad to a Birthday party for one of the skiing crowd. it was a good house party with a marquee and a barbeque! A most excellent evening!

Sunday was spent in the Legion, and at nans for tea...

And speaking of tea mine is nearly ready... And I haven't even finished my painting!

TTFN readers

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