It's OK, stormtroopers can't shoot for shit, anyway.
Hello readers. 'tis time for some blogging...
At the end of my last blog I promised you a Gallery for ladies evening, and, true to my word, here it is...

This is a photot of a photo. Me and Jenny in our masks.
These next few are off Selenas camera. Me and Jen' at my dad's house waiting to go.
Me, Selena, and dad
Dad and Selena at the table
There we go readers. All Good... Now I can get on with this weeks blog! Last weekend was James birthday and he had his party at Wythall House. I arrived there at about 8:00pm and within half an hour the buffet was served... Which was good because I was starving. The disco started and spent most of the evening playing songs from way before any of us were born...
I have a photo for you all to enjoy...
Jenny, Julia and Lee gawping at a camera... By the look on Julias face, the picture they are looking at is pretty shocking!
ha ha! Anyway, after getting slighty merry and doing a few rounds of heluium, we all left at around midnight. I got a lift with Kate in her new Toyota Yaris... But thought it was a Peugeot... Oops. I got in and went to bed ready for the Sunday...
Because Sunday was... MEMORABILIA! woohoo!
I went to get John and shot over to Adams for about 10:00am and we set off for Marcus's house to get him and Jenny... The problem being that they were all the way back at Jenny's house... So we agreed that they would meet us at the NEC. We eventually got there for 11:00am and was in the exhibition for 11:30am. As we went in we saw the Tardis and a couple of Daleks, then went over to the new section that housed most of the famous people. I nearly walked in to Toyah Wilcox trying to get a glimpse of Lady Penelope's Rolls Royce... which was rather Fab' (hey-hey... Fab "FAB 1" get it? did you see the clever thing that I did there?)
We walked round for an hour, looking at all the collectors selling their junk for lots of money and looking at all the famous people... I walked up to David Prowse (Garth Vader meets Darth vader!) but he bored me so I walked off. I caught the eye of "Smokin'" Joe Frazier but couldn't speak to him because of the queue for his autograph. I wanted to walk up to Leslie Philips and introduce myself by going "Well, helloooh'" (his old catch phrase, for those who don't know who he is) but refrained from it as he might have got a bit annoyed... Walking round I noticed there was lots of Bond memorabilia due to the release of Casino Royale. I then heard the unmistakable sound of gunfire, coming from the back of the hall...
... It was an indoor shooting range! Replica weapons, powered by gas, firing rubber bullets...
... I had to have a go!!!!!!
I paid a bloke dressed like Bond for a go with a Sig Sauer pistol... And this was the result...
Check out the bullseye! He was actually impressed with my grouping. At a range of 50 yards most people apparently have trouble firing pistols unless they have been trained how to shoot professionally.
After walking back round and stopping to get a drink (where I saw Danny John-Jules ((the cat from red dwarf)) walk past the bar) I went back because I wanted a go with an assault rifle.
And this is the result of that little encounter...
Yeah, I'm pretty impressed with that. Obviously the rifle was a lot more stable than the Sig' I had a few shots on Semi' and then flicked it over to automatic and emptied the clip in sustained bursts of gunfire. The recoil wasn't really an issue due to the weight of the gun and it was comfortable to fire.
We left at about 4:00pm and everyone came back to my house for a bit before grabbing some food and heading home, while I went down to my nans for tea as usual.
... That concludes last week... I suppose I should blog right up to now... So I will...
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Yesterday were all boring. Nothing happened except that yesterday evening I went out with Katie, Jason, Gemma, Jenny and Marcus to the Barn in Solihull for a drink... Then I came home, went to bed ansd got up this morning and went with selena to the Snowdome because she wants to buy some snowblades for Skiing next year. Unfortunately, the Snowdome charge an arm and a leg for snowblades (still I suppose if that was the case, you'd only have to buy one!) so we called in to Widney Sports for a look at some cheaper ones. She still didn't get any though so I suppose it was a wasted trip... Ah well, it got me out of the house for a couple of hours...
Anyway, I am going out in a bit... So I wil sign off
TTFN readers.
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