No funny title this week.
Hello readers and welcome to another blog. For reasons I wont go in to I feel like shite, and it's about to get worse so this blog will be a bit brief...
I should have put this at the end of my last post but I felt that I couldnt as I was a bit upset. Going back to last Sunday night/early Monday morning I found my cat, Paws in the entry unable to walk. We got her in and she imediately started having a fit. My ma' and I quickly got her to an emergency vet over in Birmingham but unfortunately it was inopperable and the decision was made to put her to sleep to save her from the stress.
We came home, tearful, and I had to go to bed as it was 2:00am.
Work on Monday was hell. I felt like a bag of crap but muddled on through. I came home and dozed off on the couch to catch up with some sleep. In the evening I went over to Adam and Carls house to try and take my mind off things.
Tuesday. Work seemed to drag and I was glad to get home at 4:30pm in the evening I went back over to Adam and Carls for the usual weekly lads night in.
Wednesday. On Wednesday I had the night to myself as father was Skiing in Austria. I played some Xbox and went over to Adam and Carls.
Thursday. Work went well and I was out the door before I knew it. The evening was spent in The Swan as usual. A good time was had by all but before we knew it, it was time to go. We drank up and Lank dropped me home.
Friday. After work I came home and watched a bit of TV before going out... Somewhere. Damnit! Why can't I remember Fridays?
Saturday. I awoke early-ish and phoned Mr Turbitt to see what was what. I went over and it was decided that we should go out to Dudley zoo! Marcus drove and we were soon on our way. We got there for about 11:45am and went straight in. Of the many animals we saw, the one that got my attention was a Raven in a big cage who was as domesticated as a small puppy. It even played Fetch!
Naturally I have photos (and one video that Marcus doesn't want putting on the internet, so to see it you will have to ask me to show it to you!)
A lion (well duh!)
Anyway. We soon arrived at the point in the day where we had seen everything and the zoo was winding-up for the evening so we made our move and came back home. After a while I left Adam and Co' as they were off Bowling, but I had arranged to meet up with Kate whom I know from College and haven't seen in a while. I went over to her house to pick her up but we ended up staying in and watching various episodes of The Mighty Boosh on DVD. At about 11:30pm I called it a night and came home.
Sunday. Normal one. Dinner, Legion, Nans, Home, Bed.
Right. I'm off out in a bit to drown my sorrows (more on that next week)
... Thats right. I've used the old "cliffhanger" on you...
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