All good things...
Hello readers and welcome to this weeks blog.
Last week I left you on a bit of a cliffhanger when I said that I was feeling shite. Basically I text Julie asking her if she would like to go out for the evening and the reply I got wasn't inspiring. She said that she thought it was a good idea if we didn't see each other anymore and all communication was severed...
... Lovely!
So I went with Donna to the Red Lion in Earlswood for a drink to try and drown my sorrows...
... What nobody told me is that sorrows can swim!
Anyhoo... Tuesday. Work went quite quick and in the evening I went with Donna to the Swan for a drink and a chat. Whilst there we ran in to father and one of his friends so we joined them, and somehow we managed to get on to the subject of Tiramisu and that Dad has a good recipe for one. We had a good old chinwag but chucking out time soon came along and Donna dropped me home,
Wednesday. The evening was spent at fathers as usual where we watched something like "Americas-wildest-most-outrageous-police-videos-gone-bad-ever-uncut" until I went over to Donnas house (with a Tiramisu recipe!) as she wasn't at the pub because she had a bit of a sniffle. Whilst there I noticed that she had Wii Fit. I was asking her what it did and so she decided to show me. Now I thought that it was all aerobics and yoga, but NO! it has all sorts of balancing games and a full range of fun things to do. Now the one that caught my eye was the skiing... I had one go and discovered that I was crap at it. But I became slightly obsessed with it and spent an hour or so getting good at it until finally I dominated the top spot on the leaderboard... Just because I thought it was something I SHOULD be good at...
... Not that I'm a competitive person, honest.............
Ahem... Anyway time soon came to say goodnight and I came home to go to bed.
Thursday. Work went well and I was home before I knew it. The evening was spent in The Swan as usual and a good time was had by all. At 11:30pm though it was time to make tracks.
Friday. I went, in the evening, over to Adam and Carls. Adam was out with work so Myself, Carl, and Marcus went for a curry. We ate ourselves silly before coming back to rendezvous with Adam (and "houseguest")
Saturday. I got up fairly early and was going to go over to Adam and Carls but realised I had let my tax expire on my car. I didn't do much except that in the evening I covered a shift at the legion. The band that were playing were a good bunch and I enjoyed myself.
Sunday. I did my normal shift at the legion and then got picked up by Selena to go off to my Aunts as it was my nans 85th birthday and we were having tea to celebrate. After a delicious bolognaise and homemade cake Selena dropped me back home.
Right. I will leave it there readers as I'm off out in a bit.
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