Great piece of music...
I also took a couple of photos which I was going to manipulate with photoshop to see if I could get them looking a bit artistic though I havent bothered as yet so here they are in original format...

I'm sure John will offer constructive critisism
Anyway, the week was soon over and after recieving choccs and cards from more people than I thought knew me, I was a free man... Or was I?...
... Well the short answer is "yes" but I still had to do all of my christmas shopping so I arranged to go in to Birmingham with Adam that weekend. I got over to his house on the morning of the 20th. We were all set to go and then we looked at the weather and thought "sod it" and had a beer and a gaming session on the xbox.
We did, however get to do our Christmas shopping on the Monday, so we were OK.
Chrismas eve was interesting. I was working at the Legion and hadn't done a night-shift in a while. I was surprised to find that it was fairly quiet but the band were quite good so I had a good evening.
Christmas day was spent over at my nans house. We did the whole presents thing and had lunch. We were there until about 5:30-ish when me and Selena left to go to our Aunts house to see the rest of the family...
... But not before a quick detour...
We weren't due down to our aunts until about 7:00-ish so we popped back to Selenas because she had gone and bought herself "
Little Big Planet" for the PS3. I had heard about it but not actually played it so I was looking forward to having a go. It plays beautifully and is quite funny in places. The level creator can be a pain because you have to build EVERYTHING from scratch which would take forever but apart from that the game is amazing. Check it out.
So after Christmas I bought some clothes with my money from Birmingham and in the run up to the new year I didn't do much except keep nipping over to my sisters for games of LBP or going over to Adams to chill out and generaly get out of the house.
New years eve came upon us and everyone was rallied to The Swan as a starting point for the night out. Our ultimate destination was Benjamines in Halesowen (since nic' and Jules' dad owns it!)
We arrived after a considerable journey in a mini-bus taxi and we got straight on to the important business of waiting to be served to have a drink. We had some grub as there was a nice buffet laid on and stood beside the bar enjoying the disco. At the pivotal moment we all cheered and hugged and shook hands before getting back to dancing and trying to ingest as much beer and spirits as possible. Sadly the only photo I took was of Jasons ear when he stuck a cocktail umberella through his piercing...

Well anyway the following day I awoke at about 3:00pm... Yes. You read that right. The next few days I spent recovering until Yeasterday when I went back to work.
Right. Thats it for now readers. Service will return to normal next week.
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