I've seen Corey Taylors bottom!
Sorry, thats the best I could find! anyway I did manage to get a decent photo of him...
I quite like it. I'm getting good at drawing with marker pen on a white board! Apparently it is very difficult and the other art teaches never really attempt it.
Anyway I went to the packhorse in the evening with Lank as usual. whilst there I put on Kaz's sunglasses (as you do) and was snapped by Lank...

On Friday (which came far to early... I nearly overslept!) we had a non-uniform day for Comic relief. This was good, but the day got better!
Mr Hiscocks (yes, he is still there) daughter works for Damien Hirst... This I did not know. Damien Hirst is mates with an artist called Banksy. (he is a recluse, very few know who he is!) and as a result, she got her hands on an ORIGINAL Banksy picture... And Mr. H. bought in in to school! I have been a fan of banksy's ever since I saw "Wall and Peace" a few years ago. To actually hold one of his prints was amazing!
But it gets BETTER! he said that Damien Hirst, on the odd occasion, visits schools! and that she might be able to "sort Woodrush out" with a visit from the man himslf! This, to put it bluntly, would be absolutely, fucking, amazing! Think about it:
How cool? VERY COOL!
Anyway, after work I came home and just watched TV until 8:00pm when I went to my nans for a chinky! I love the chinese place at the top of Sladepool Farm road. Their rice-noodle and ginger chicken is amazing! I came home feeling rather stuffed!
Right. On to Saturday (i.e yesterday)
Adam phoned to see if i wanted to go in to Brum for a shop. I decided I needed to get out of the house so I went over to his, and we caught the train from Widney Manor. We spent 4 hours trawling the shops. I eventually got my mum a bath set for mothers day from BodyCare in the pallasades. We got back to Solihull for 5:00-ish and Adam called in to Notcutts for some candles and to have a chat with the parrotts!
After getting back to Ad's and watch him kill some goblins as a level 36 Vampiric High-Elf on Oblivion (no, seriously!) I left for home... I got showered, changed and ready to go...
... Back to Brum! Because it was Donnas' birthday on Thursday eveyone was going to Reflex on Broad Street. On the way we noticed that Selfriges was lit up in green for St Patricks day...
Not the best photo because I was walking along at the time. Still, it looks ok I suppose. We got to Reflex and met up with some of Donnas other friends. It was a good night despite everyone being packed in to the place like sardines! Everyone had a good dance and when they played "Walk 500 miles" by the Proclaimers, everyone was singing "Roll 500 miles" and filling in with "Bobby Davro, Bobby Davro" like the Brian Potter/Andy Pipkin version shown the night before on Comic Relief! If you haven't seen it, it's on youtube... Oh what the heck here's the link...
Me, Dan, and Lank left at about 2:00am and waited for half an hour to get a taxi in the wind and the rain! On the way back the taxi driver had to slow because of a car bumper in the road... I thought "thats odd" and then looked to my left where I saw WHY there as a car bumper in the road!... Absolute carnage! there was a 3 car pile up on the side of the road and a bunch of big black men having fisticuffs over it.
I got in for 3:00am and fell in to bed. I had a good time and so did Donna.
I got up early thismorning (just) to deliver my nans pressie with Selena and came back for my Sunday lunch...
In fact, dear reader, as I sit here typing this, I am still in the process of digesting my dinner...
I will eave you there since I am doing an emergency shift at the Legion in an hour! Val phoned me the other day to see if I can come in. I agreed since I haven't seen the place in ages. The only problem is that everytime I visit they always offer me my old job back, and start going on about staffing and how good I was and blah blah blah... It is most unsettling. I don't know if they are trying to guilt me back in to working there or what, but it's annoying.
Anyway, thats that little rant over with. Catch you next week readers!
1 comment:
I love the photo of you in the glasses doing bunny ears!
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