Hello readers, and welcome to my 200th post! Yes, that's right. 200! (I wonder if anyone has read them all?)
Ok, so on with the show and I will start, as I usually do, from the begining...
Monday was normal... Too normal. So in the evening we decided to go bowling. Everyone got to my house and I drove up to Rubery with John, Jenny, Marcus and Adam. Whilst there we noticed the rather numerous songs being played involving black people with hoods, rapping about their bitch-ass hoe's and pimping their honeyz (I think thats got something with very good quality gardening equipment and sampling various preserves, but I could be wrong.)
So me and John stuck some cash in the video jukebox and selected some proper music. We had 2 games of bowling and Jenny won the first (I think) and I won the second (with an impressive 162) This was down to the fact that I had chugged a pint of Guinness before I played the second game... Now don't ask me why but I always bowl better after a pint. It has become a sort of ritual when I play that I wont win unless I down a Guinness and black at some point. Ah, I love my little quirks! Anyway, after a good night, everyone ended up back at mine before going home to bed.
On Tuesday, I found myself awake to a dull pain in my right shoulder. You the one I mean, it's that dull ache you get in your joints after you have been excersising. Swinging a bowling ball for a few hours is more than enough to bring that on! Anyway I got to work to find myself on cover lessons. I had to teach History and Music because we had staff off ill. History was ok, all the work was relevant and mildly entertaining so the class got on with it. Music on the other hand... Well that was a different story...
The class was a class of, lets say "not top-set students" and the work was not entertaining enough... Well, not as entertaining as turning on all the keyboards and bashing them with pens, pencils, other students.... you name it. I ripped the main power box off the desk and pulled the plug. This was, apparently "unfair" and I quickly lost my popularity stakes....
... Like I give a fuck!
I tried to get them to work in silence, but thats like trying to scoop air in to a tidy pile. They didn't get much work done, and to be honest I didn't really teach them anything. It was more crowd-control than teaching. After that, and my usual time-tabled lessons I was exhausted!
When I got home at about 4:30 I got changed, and relaxed for a bit before Adam and Marcus turned up at my house, because we were going in to Birmingham for a chinese at "The Big Wok."
(thats "Chinese" and not some other, derogatory or rascist, term!) We shot down to Johns to pick him up, and then on to Jenny's. After she piled in, it was on to Brum! I ended up parking in a carpark in a road that I don't know the name of... If that helps. We went in and was seated immediately. We ordered drinks (I had a bottle of chinese lager. It's quite nice!) Marcus had tea (!?) and the others had cokes and the usuals! We dived right on in to the starters (not literally, we'd have burned ourselves) which were good, then on to the main couses, with all the chickeny and noodely goodness, then we tried the duck in pancake with hoisin sauce, then dessert...
Now the Ice cream machine is like the sort you get in icecream vans... But bigger. John was the first to use it, but couldnt quite get it to stop... So his bowl was getting more and more full, to the point where I was considering running back to the table to try and disassociate myself from him, incase he ended up with ice cream over his shoes and all over the floor! thankfully he managed to stop it in time and we all relaxed a little bit. The ice cream is nice, but a bit bland. They could use a raspberry sauce dispencer! After we had our fill we walked back through the arcadian and found a quiet bar to have a drink in, although mine was a shandy. Afterwards we went home as Jen' wasn't feeling 100% I was quite tired so wasted no time in going to bed!
Wednesday... Wednesday was good. work was quite a pleasure, and I got home slightly earlier than usual, at about 4:00pm. The evening was the best bit though... You may have heard on the news last week that they are bringing speedway back to Birmingham, at Perry Barr stadium. Well last Wednesdasy was the first meeting so me and father went along! It was packed out with people and had full radio coverage on BBC WM with Tony Butler! We found a spot just on the lower corner. I have a couple of videos, but they are naff, and only one decent photo....

Yep' sorry. All the rest are blurred, or taken as the bikes shot round the corner and out of frame, or with peoples heads in the way! During the course of the evening there were, naturally, a couple a falls, and spills right on the corner meant a few races had to be restarted. After the 18th race we started to head back to the car to try and beat the crowd. There were 20 races so we listened to them on the radio in the (warm) car! It was a good evening. Back at fathers, we watched a bit of TV before I came home.
I got up Thursday morning and I swear I could still hear engines ringing in my head! (those bikes make such a racket!) I got to work to find I had to teach another music class! It was a different group, though. Year 11's which are fine. It was a relaxing hour! After my usual bout of running around trying to accomplish tasks that are on my ever-growing "to-do" list, though I was ready to come home!!! 4:30 couldn't have come sooner, and so off I went, along with other members of staff who weren't subjected to year 11 parents evening (which is what it was, on Thursday)
Aftera session on my 360 and something to eat, Lank arrived as always to go to the Packhorse. No photo's this time readers, so you will have to trust me when I say that it was a good evening... Or at least it was when i got some cash! I needed some, and I knew that the Packhorse had a cash point... Except that it wasn't working, so we dived back in to lanks car and went up to Morgams (sorry, I mean Mills) so that I could actuallly get a round in! After a quality evening, even we had to call it a night at about 12:00-ish, and Lank dropped me home...
Ok, Friday... Friday morning was a bit of a headache and work wasn't particularly thrilling, so I wont bother blogging it. i will skip to the evening. I was meeting up with Kate from college, who I haven't seen in quite a few months (since October, in fact!) I drove up to Solihull for about 7:40pm and got to the Coach House (which is where we had decided to meet) just in time to grab a table! Kate arrived about 10 minutes later, after having to change her shoes in her car! We had a drink and a natter and then decided to get something to eat. We usually end up in Nando's but we opted for La Tascas instead. The waitress (who was very friendly, and kept touching my arm!) showed us to a nice little table in the corner. I had an omelette-type thing, and a cheesecake for dessert... Kate just had a dessert! (I could never do that, I would feel cheeky just ordering pudding.) After another drink it was time for home. Kate showed me her new Clio and then dropped me over to my car in it. I then shot home as I was actually quite sleepy... You the sort, that "I've just eaten a really good meal, and would now like to lie down" kind of sleepy.
Right, on to Saturday. During the day I didn't really do much. I had fish and chips for dinner though, which was nice. Then Adam rang and asked me what I was doing. I said that I was a free agent and suggested a trip to the cinema. TMNT was out and I was up for a bit of nostalgia. I drove over to Ad's house and we dived in his car to shoot up to solihull. When we got there, we saw that Mr Beans Holiday was also out, so we decided on the spot to watch that instead. (I think Adam felt that going to watch Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles was a bit childish!) It was funny though, especially the scene involving the cycle race! After the film Adam came up to my house where we decided to have a crack at Oblivion on the 360. I haven't played it in ages so it was good fun. At about 11:15pm it was time to call it a night and Ad' left. I went upstairs to read a bit more of my book (Digital Fortress by Dan Brown) before going to sleep!
This morning, I awoke at about 10:00am. I haven't really done much exept start blogging for you, dear reader... Um... So I suppose I will have to leave you there until next week.....
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