No funny title this week.
A lion (well duh!)
My life. But I need to write it down somewhere because my head is full of other stuff and a diary is just plain girly....
Blogged by Sir
5:21 pm
Shakespeares Birthplace
The Church
The garden, complete with 2 grotesque gargoyle statues....
... Oh, no, wait, It's Adam and carl...!
Hee hee...
The next photo I took for effect. I can imagine it being some sort of photoshop stock photo... If the image was much better quality and the sodding light in the window wasn't on...
makes your eyes funny doesn't it?
Anyway, when we had done we came back and I had to shoot off as I was going out! Dave (who I work with, and randomly knows my sister through college) was having a night out for his birthday. I was invited and so was Julie so off I went to pick her up and bring her back to Wythall where everyone was meeting. We got to the Swan for about 8:45pm and Dave was already there with some friends. After a few drinks we ordered a taxi in to town where we went to Subculture at the Academy. I had never been to Subculture before and found that I was overdressed, wearing a shirt. Now Julie isn't a massive fan of metal but they threw in some hippety-hop music as well so she could join in. Whilst there I bumped in to Nicola, Kaz and John. I haven't seen Kaz since the middle of last year so it was good to say hi.
We drank and moshed a bit until about 2:00am where we had to call it a night. Me and Julie live in opposite directions so I made sure she got in to one taxi, and then I got in to the other. I was home for about 2:45am where i went soundly to sleep.
Sunday. Not a normal one. Although I went to the Legion I didn't go to nans. I stayed in and had a play of Fable 2!
Right. I will leave you there, readers.
Blogged by Sir
5:20 pm
Hello readers and welcome to the first regular update of 2009 as promised last week.
There we go!
Everyone stayed until about 1:40am when we decided to cal it a night and to go and get some chips...
Sunday. I awoke late (after eating chips and sobering up I drove home... seriously, I only had 2-3 drinks and stopped all together at about 12:00 midnight, meaning that by the time I left Adams after eating my chips I was fine) but managed to scoff my dinner and get down to the legion for my usual shift. Afterwards I went down to my nans for tea before dropping back in on the legion for a swift half before coming home to bed.
Right. Thats where I will leave you readers. TTFN
Blogged by Sir
4:21 pm
Well readers. Here we are... 2009. I will first appologise for not blogging over the festive season but to be quite honest I had neither time nor the energy to do it. I thought it would be better to amalgamate (ooh! big word... Triple nerd score!) 3 weeks of blogging in to one generalised one as the first blog of the new year.
For this reason, I'm not blogging every day, I will give you an overview with certain points of interest highlited with a little more detail and prescision...
So. Where to begin? Well the last week of work usually involves not doing much but what we did do was take the kiddies to a church service. I haven't stepped in to a church in a long while... And the last service I went to (weddings not withstanding) was when I was a child. So, as the old oak doors swung open I swear I could hear the choir singing the theme from The Omen (refresher video below)
Blogged by Sir
4:38 pm