Sunday, September 23, 2007

Give me a shot to remember

Hello readers and welcome once again to my little blog.

Now before we start I will warn you that, possibly due to having by brain stunned by a rogue staple, I'm having trouble remembering the start of the week! I will also have to keep it brief because I am doing a shift at the Legion in an hour!

So here goes...

On Monday I went to work as usual, along with that usual Monday feeling! I was glad to get out at 4:00pm. In the evening Jo was working, I think, so we ended up round Carls/Marcuses.

Tuesday was more of the same at work, and in the evening me and Ad' met up with Jo...
I think.

Wednesday was a bit different. I mean, work was the same but in the evening Father had a meeting on so I didn't go down to his house. I went up to to the Swan to see Donna... Oh yes, I promised her a special mention so here it is...


Thursday at work was spent getting ready for open evening. I was at school from 8:30am until 8:30pm... 12 hours at work... "lovely!"

Afterwards I went home, got changed and went up to the packhorse as usual. Father came for a swift beer, and we all sat talking about Thunderbirds, Stingray, and Captain Scarlet!

Friday was interesting... Me, Sal' Carly, and a couple of sixth-formers went down to Wythall library to hang up the exhibition of GCSE and A-level work. If you want a quick gander at it, just pop in. The work looks fantastic.

In the evening, the Packhorse gang went up Solihull for lanks Birthday. Me, Lank and dan got a lift with Lanks mum, maggie who dropped us at wetherspoons where we met up with Jenny, Marcus, Mark, and Katie. After a swift pint we went up to Reflex and met up with Nikki, Spike, Kate, Matthew and Naomi. We ended up in the 80's room (where else) having a good old bop on the floor. We left at around 2:00am-ish via taxi. I got in to the house and went immediately to bed.

I got up this morning to find that UKTV Gold has an all day Only Fools and Horses. I am watching it now, actually, as I'm blogging...

I will have to cut it short though readers as I'm working at the Legion in about 20 minutes.

TTFN readers

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