Gained the lead...
Hello readers, and welcome back. Are you sitting comfortably? Good...
I must admit that I almost forgot to blog today, due to the purchase of a rather well advertised first-person-shooter for the Xbox... You may have heard of it: Halo 3! (But more of that later)
Firstly, lets begin with last Monday. I went to work as normal and did what it is I do. I came home, had some tea and then went over to Adams house... Which is now Adam, Marcus', and Carls house, although Carl is at uni' so for the moment it's Adam and Marcus' house...
... Anyway, thats not the point.
We ended up picking Jo up and going for a drink in the Sharmans. It was a bit quiet though, but it didn't matter. Afterwards we dropped Jo home, had a famous Hindmarsh cup of tea (heated to well beyond the normal capacity of standard water...!) in her lounge, and then we left! I had quite a nice evening!
Tuesday at work was strange... Do you ever get the feeling that, although you have been to work, and done what you are supposed to do, you feel like you haven't actually done much and then feel a bit guilty for it? Or is it just me? Anyway thats what happened.
n the evening Myself, Donna, and lank went for a drink in the Swan. I picked Miss Pickard up at about 7:30pm and we met Lank at the pub. We had a merry-old time and a proper good old fashioned chin-wag before leaving at about 10:00-ish. I dropped Donna off, but went in because she needed something doing to the computer. I backed up a load of files for her and then left because I was tired...
Ok, Wednesday... And that meant:
I went to work, frantically did what needed to be done, counted down the time until 4:30pm, then shot out of school, in to Solihull and grabbed my copy...
I raced back home, ripped Guitar Hero 2 out of the CD drive and whacked Halo on... Ah, finally, after what feels like a lifetime, I had my Halo fix. The story is excellent, the game play is well balanced, and the ending almost made me cry, (I stress the word "Almost" and it wasn't a close "almost" it was a distant "almost")
Anyway, I only had an hour-or-so to play it as I was going down to see Father. I went down as usual, watched a bit of telly, and at 10:45pm came back for a bit more Halo... I say "a bit" it was close to 2:00am whan tiredness drove me to turn it off.
Thursday at work I was awful... I was yawning, and my eyes hurt... But I still managed to do the usual chores...
I went to the Packhorse as usual that evening. Nicola phoned me to tell me she was there on her own, so I got a lift with Ma' (no Lank for this week... I'm sure if you check his blog he will have said why.)
Shortly after, Kate, Benji, Jason, Mark and Katie turned up. We had a good old time, so we did, and before to long, and too many drinks people left. Jason kindly dropped me off home, to save my little legs, and I went to bed.
Friday at work was a bit of a sad one: Kate who works in the office (I know a lot of "Kate's" don't I?) was leaving. We have always got on and had a laugh. In fact if you can't get on and have a laugh with Kate, then you have something wrong with you because she's always smiling, and usually has people in stiches.
At 3:30pm, Me, Sally, and Kate went up to the Packhorse to have a drink and say "ta-ta" we were joined by Julie a while later and had a natter before leaving.
After we all left, I shot home and...
... Yes, you've guessed it, put Halo back on. I was messing around with the video and screenshot capabilities and took a couple of pictures during a few online matches...

Yeah! Gravity Hammer... 1 shot, 2 kills, 3 medals (assasination, beat-down, double-kill)

This next one was taken from a team game, which is why my colours are different. I'm the red one...

Ahem... Sorry Mr. Blue
I played until about 3:00am before going to bed. Me and Adam did a co-op over Xbox live and completed the game, though so it is all good...
I awoke on Saturday and just played on Halo... then went to bed... at 4:00am...
... Seriously! That was Saturday! I did have a good match with some of the kiddies from Woodrush... And thrashed them! That felt good!
Today I got up and um... Well... take a guess!
I'm off now readers... There is a Team Slayer match on that isn't going to win its self!
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