Splat, Splat, Splat.... Ouch!
Hello readers. Welcome to another thrilling installment, this time all about my half-term week...
Which to be honest, hasn't been full of much to talk about... The formula has been quite simple:
Get up. Eat. Lounge about. Eat. Go out. Come home. Eat. Bed
All throughout the week. Anyway, I will start with Monday. I got up and lounged about the house all day. In the evening, myself and John went to Carls house. No Adam, though, since he was on holiday in Devon.
The exact same paragraph could be used to describe Tuesday as well, but i'd rather show you what Tuesday was like with a little video clip I took...
But before that, let me set the scene...
At Carls house, we decided to give Warioware a blast on the Wii. Now Carl has unlocked a peculiar jumping game, where two players make their characters jump, by jumping themselves...
Just watch!
"We are gay" ... Your words, Mr Notman, not mine!
OnWednesday I saw father as usual, and on Thursday I went to the Packhorse...
... Oh, after helping Grandad repair the fence posts...
On Friday It was back to Carls house (I think, I lose track of the days during the hoidays!) for more computerised, digitised, (and some other words ending in "-ised") entertainment.
On Saturday me, Carl, and John were invited round to Selenas to have a go on the Halo 3 Beta. I bought along Guitar Hero 2. Kieron had a go, but I don't think it's his type of game!
Which brings us on to Sunday... Sunday was a good day... Of sorts.
Me, Selena, and Kieron went Paintballing! It was in Wolverhampton and it was organised by John Hands, who I haven't seen since Selenas party in November. He was one of the original skiiers and was there the first time we went to Canada. We left my house at 7:45 and after an hour driving, going the wrong way because of my directions being wrong, we got to the venue. We were split in to 2 teams, green and blue and were given the usual safety talk. Afterwards we got stuck in to some games... We, the blue team, were noble warriors. Humble, and honest... But the green team were a bunch of lying, cheating, no-good, gits!
**Warning: rant alert**
I personally shot one of the bastards twice in the shoulder, and the fat little fucker wiped it off!!! In one match, one guy had 4 people, of which me and kieron were 2 shooting at him, and although he was pretty well shot up, he was still firing back! In one of the indoor matches, selena had been iliminated, and the guy that shot her waited until she was walking off the battlefield as a "dead" player, and shot her point-blank in the visor, so she couldn't see! I mean talk about pathetic!
Phew...! Right... Well. I too suffered at the hands of a green-team bastard... I had been iliminated and was walking off the battle field when someone decided it would be funny to shoot me in the back at point-blank range... It was not funny. I actually felt the round shudder my LUNG slightly!
To prove it, I took a photo of the bruise...
Check that out! You can see the smaller hits on my body as well, but come on! Is that not the best bruise you have ever seen!?
Anyway, we left the death-zone at about 3:40 after losing 90 points to 60 to the cheating greens. We shot home and I went to Selenas with my xbox before going to nans as per usual.
So Monday... Today. I am out later, readers so i wil bid thee farewell...
You're going to have to wait until next week to find out what im going to get up to!
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