It's Ok... It's not deep.
Hello readers. It's Sunday so I guess that would mean a new blog?
Right then...
I will begin with last Monday. I had just finished typing my blog (for the second time due to I.E. crashing on me!) when I had a phonecall asking me if I wantesd to go bowling. I agreed, whole-heartedly and waited for Adam, Jenny, Carl and Marcus to get to my house before we all set off to pick John up...
Now have you spotted the problem? Because I didn't. I already had 5 people in the car (including myself) and were about to pick John up... Logistical problem. In the end I removed my parcel shelf and left it in John's lounge, Carl got in the boot of my car, and John sat on the back seat! I then shot back to mine so that Adam could get his car, making things easier. So we went bowling and had 2 good games, the second of which I won!
Whilst we were there we made a point of putting some good songs on the jukebox... Until it was Jen's turn to choose, then it became a cacophony of club-mix-beat-box-hippety-hoppety-rappety-crappety-bouncy-thump-bump-shit.
After bowling it was decided that adam give Jenny, Marcus, and Carl a lift back, whilst I drop John off so I could retrieve my parcel shelf. This was all done with precision and I was back home for midnight. I had just climbed in to bed when my phone rang...
... It was Jenny.
Me: hello?
Jen: Gaz, we're in trouble, Adams car has broken down in Houndfield lane...
Now I know how bad it can get down there because of the Ford in the road. The worst possible scenario was that Adam had driven through it, thinking it wasn't very deep and had sucked a load of water in to the engine.
Me: Where on Houndsfield?
Jen: By the Ford.
Me: The Ford?
Jen: He drove through it thinking it wasn't very deep and...
Me: And sucked a load of water in to his engine?
Jen: Yeah. Can you bring a change of clothes for the boys? They're soaked.
... Great...
Well. I got a couple of pairs of trousers and some old shoes and went the long way round to Houndsfield so I ended up on the opposite side to where they went in. The sight was amazing... Adams car, still dripping wet and Adam and Marcus soaked up to their waists after pushig it out. Kel was already there and they had phoned the RAC using Jenny's policy (since Adam isn't a member.) I offered to run Jenny, Marcus, and carl back to Marcus's house so that Jen could get her car and drop Carl back home. Afterwards I decided to caqll back in on Ad' to see if the RAC had arrived...
They hadn't. When they DID finally show up, the idiot came from the same side Adam did and so was on the other side of the Ford, nay, LAKE in the middle of the road. He was certain that he could get through, but stopped trying after his headlamps were submerged! He told me to jump in his van and direct him to the other end so he could look at Adams car. In the van he started chatting to me about Fords and people who drive through them..
RAC: So, like, did he drive straight through?
Me: dunno I wasnt in the car. Left just here, mate
RAC: If he's got water in the cylinders it'll be a new engine.
Me: Well, if you take the air-filter off and remove the plugs can't you suck the water out?
RAC Well yeah. I mean we could but, well I dunno. we'll have to take a look at the...
Me: Hang-on what do you mean "WE"? You're the mechanic!
RAC:... Uh, It says a Miss Jenny Fishbourne called us, where's she?
Me: Turn right, just here. She's gone home.
RAC: Well she can't, I need her there or otherwise I cant look at the motor.
Me: WHAT!?..... Turn left here, mate.
RAC: It's the rules.
Me: Well I tell you what, I'm a member. Switch her details with mine.
RAC: *mumble mumble mumble* number *mumble mumble mumble mumble* Evans
Me: Any good? left again mate and your there.
RAC: Suppose so... mumble mumble mumble Yeah, it's ok.
So we arrived only to find that, luckily, Jenny had come back! So the guy started ripping bits of Adams car apart and came to the conclusion that he needed some new spark plugs. He didn't have any but knew a man who did! he called his mate who came along in a huge pick-up. he came from the opposite side of the Ford as well but he just plowed straight through it!
At about 2:30am he had finished and lo-and-behold Adams car actually started! I got home and in to bed for about 2:45am and got up for work at 7:00am!
Tuesday at work was awful. I couldn't concentrate at all. due to the 4 hours sleep I was trying to survive on. In the evening we all went out...
... I can't quite remember where bit I had to drive because the inside of Adams car was still wet!
Wednesday at work was better because I made sure I got an early night Tuesday evening! I went down to fathers as usual and started to watch "Layer cake" I left before it ended though, and didn't bother watching it at home.
On Thursday at work, I had some painting to do! I started at 3:00pm in the youth centre and finished at about 5:30pm. I was painting part of the set for the school play. We are doing "Willy Wonka" this year and the set is going to look like a big cartoon, almost. I was putting the touches on the glass elevator doors and to do it, I took my shirt and tie off... I had a Tshirt on underneath, though obviously... After painting I went to put my shirt back on only to discover that one of the kiddies had put it on with my tie just to see how big it was on her! (the answer being "very")
Thursday evening in the Packhorse was a laugh, as usual. Everyone was in good spirits, especially Nicola... Who was very well in to just about every good spirit the bar had to offer!
Friday at work, everything just breezed by. it was quite a nice day, despite having to clear A2 of everything and turn it in to a gallery space for the A-level art work which is being Moderated tomorrow.
In the evening Me, Jenny, and Marcus met up with Adam, Carl, and some Transconians in Reflex. Now i had driven so I was feeling almost cheated... A night out, but I couldn't drink... Thats a tough one to cope with. Fortunately Carl came up with the solution... I get bladdered, leave my car on the carpark and kip at his house on the sofa! Well done Mr. Notman. To show how grateful I was I tied 3 balloons to him! (no, really, look...)
Anyway, I ended up back at Carls and slept on the sofa. I got up at about 10:30am to go home to take my mum shopping in Tesco's.
In the evening, Kate had a barbeque at her house. Everyone took some food and we arrived to a stone-cold grill... You see there had been some debate, previous to our arrival, about which coals to get... As it turned out they had bought the wrong ones...
After an emergency trip to Sainsburys, by Carl and Jen' and some ingenious building work by Adam, we had our barbeque. There was food, music, free love...
... Well OK, not so much the free love...
... but it was a good party and everyone ended up inside at midnight playing DVD Trivial Pursuit... Which was shit.
At about 1:00am we left and Carl dropped me home.
This morning I have started clearing out my room as It needs decorating... In fact I will leave you there, readers as i had better go and do some more of it!
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