Saturday, May 07, 2005

It hurts being this good.

Well I took the Golf over to Volksmagic, and since the Polo had died the day before, my mum scrapped hers to! We headed off with father leading the way. We got seperated at one point at a rediculously large round-a-bout with very little in the way of road markings or traffic signs. When we regrouped and finally got there, we were greeted by a guy with a large mohican haircut. He was a pleasent fellow, although he seemed slightly bewildered by the fact that he had to fill in a section of the log book for each car. I tried explaining that there is this thing called the DVLA which issues one log-book PER VEHICLE and they like to know when vehicles swap ownership, and that he should really be most interested in completing section 6 of the registration documents so that the company can take legal ownership of the vehicle....

I will skip blogging the afternoon as it was of no importance.

I got to work on time to find the club quieter than usual. The reason is that there was a VE day rememberance at a pub somewhere, and all the old soldiers had donned their medals and buggered off somewhere to recieve a big "ta" from the local crowd. The most exciting point of the evening was when I had a rather large, unpleasent woman tell me that I had short changed her by £5.00 I told her that when the tills are cashed up at the end of the night I will give her a copy of the till reciept and if it is £5.00 over, then she could have it back...

... No dice. She wanted a fiver out of the till there-and-then. Tony intervened and said that giving money out at random is a pretty bad buisness strategy and that she would have to wait. Well 11 o' clock came and the tills were counted.... and guess what... That till was spot on to the penny! yep, I had not given out the wrong change, she was just plain wrong. (hence the title of this post) The hard part was getting her to accept it...

.... They left rather quickly after I had made a point of raising my voice so that all the members of the club in the concert room could here me explain about the till, and then hear her shout at me even further... She stopped talking when she realised that she was being eyeballed by the comittee (an act that usually precedes loss of membership, and a big sign hung round your neck that reads "LOSER")

Gareth 1
Customers 0

Right. I'm off to bask in my own glory, and to get some sleep. Nighty-night, dear readers.

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