Monday, May 09, 2005

FHM? You've got it all wrong...

Ok, here's the thing... You know how magazines do these "100 sexiest celebrities" lists and the top 10 are always Britney, Shakira, Beyonce etc. etc. Well I think that they have missed the mark by a mile. sure, they are all good for a quick leg-bender but all of them are stuck-up little bitches. (can you see britney ever saying "fancy a cuppa? I'll stick the kettle on".... No you can't. She'd want everyone running round getting tea for her. Bitch.) Without doubt the loveliest (I will say that again... "loveliest" i did not say "most attractive" or "woman who I'd most like to bone") woman on TV (based on looks vs "luvability") is without doubt Amanda Tapping (i.e Major Carter from Stargate SG1). Now before you all acuse me of being weird and tell me that "britney is far better looking and much more lovely" look at it like this:

scenario A
You are taking a prospective date to the cinema. You want to watch action/sci-fi. Do you go with Britney who will not want to join you in your choice of film (and will demand the best seats, causing you embarresment and attract the attention of any local photographers) Or do you take Amanda who clearly loves action sci-fi (well she agreed to do Stargate SG1 didn't she?) and won't make a fuss over seating arrangements?

Amanda 1. Britney 0.

scenario B
You and your date have been invited to a mate's house for a party. Do you take Shakira who will want to dance using that "wobbly arse" thing that she does, attracting the attention of all the blokes in the room, and subsequently leaving you floundering in the background with no one to talk to whilst she savours every drop of attention she is getting, or do you take Amanda, who will most probably relax, sit and chat, and dance in a much more lady-like way later on?

Amanda 2. Britney 0. Shakira 0.

scenario C
You have been nominated for an award for your contributions to a charity helping third world countries and you and your date have to attend the award ceremony. Do you take Beyonce, who works well as a "trophy date" but will not understand the nature of what you have been doing and will cause a stir and make you look stupid by giving a nonsense or "bluffed" answer when being questioned about you by the media, while all the time secretly thinking that she should be the centre of attention, or do you go with Amanda, who will support you and your good deeds by word-of-mouth, shunning the offer of an "exclusive interview" in favor of spending the time with you on your celebratory cruise?

Amanda 3. Britney 0. Shakira 0. Beyonce 0.

So there we have it. Amanda Tapping is clearly the best person to take to any venue, public or private. She may not be as quite as young as the other 3. But is clearly the pick of the bunch. And hey, even if you disagree with all of that, there is no denying that she is still pretty darn fit. (oh go on, admit it... If she offered you a bit, you definitley would.)

Thats all I wanted to say, other than "work was crap" and "I'm going out later"

I might blog later if I can be bothered.


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