welcome to twenty-oh-eight
Hello readers and welcome to the 1st blog of 2008! Technically this is 2 days late, because it is Tuesday, but I wanted to be able to blog new years day for you, and if I had posted on Sunday then there wouldn't really be anything to blog about now except for new years eve i.e. yesterday evening.
So lets get to it. The Christmas/New year period is always a strange one, lots of excitement punctured with a weeks utter boredom... It is for this reason alone that I am going to blog just the interesting bits, and not bother with the boredom.
Ok, so lets begin with Christmas eve. the highlight of the day was going to the Windemere in the evening with the Packhorse crowd. We couldn't get tickets for the Packhorse, which is where we usually end up, so the Windemere was the next best choice... And a good one, too. It wasn't over crowded, there were plenty of seats, and no mile-long queue to get to the bar. We ended up playing charades/pictionary. Basically "Draw a cartoon to represent the title of a movie" I thought some of mine were quite clever. If you want to play along then you are in luck! I have recreated some of them for you... See if you can guess. Answers are at the bottom of the post. (Oh, and 2 and 4 are identical, but they are not sequels!)

Ok. Now after the random guesses, the wine, the laughter. It was time to go home... But first we had to make a "special delivery." You see Marcus was playing the Midnight mass at a church in Dorridge and Jenny was with us... All be it completely and utterly drunk. She was mumbling on about how she wanted to see Marcus so...
... Off we went!
We got her in Lanks car, and set off. When we arrived at the church, we pulled up, got her out, showed her where the entrance was, watched her go in, and drove off!!!
We were in agony with the laughter. Lank dropped me home and I went in to bed...
Christmas Day!!! Woohoo!
I awoke and set out everyones presents. We then waited until nan, grandad, Selena, and Kieron arrived before we started ripping things to shreds to get at the christmasy goodness held within...
I got Call of Duty 4 for the 360. Some Alcohol. Chocolate. Aftershave. More Alcohol. More Chocolate. And, quite possibly the coolest of all, Selena had bought me "Transformers Monopoly"!!! It was soon time for Christmas dinner. Selena and kieron left to have dinner at Kierons parents house and we got on with ours. After gobbling the turkey and stuffing myself with stuffing, I was ready for a good old fashioned "Christmas afternoon nap" but I didn't bother because I was too busy eliminating a terrorist threat in the middle east on Call of Duty 4.
In the evening, I went down to my aunts. Selena came as well, and more festive unwrapping commenced. I got books, a T-shirt, and more alcohol! After tea was eaten, it was time to depart...
... Well someone had to sort out that terrorist threat!
Ok. So that was Christmas. Now as I'm sure you are all aware the week between Christmas and New Years is a bit boring. Most days I have been going over to Adams and Marcuses, and taking the occasional reccy' out somewhere. The highlight of these little trips was watching Marcus play Zelda on the Wii. He has a rather unique style of play as you will see. I did a bit of covert filming, pretending to talk to Adam who is to the left, off screen while aiming my phone at Marcus...
The good bits are at: 00:30. 00:57. 01:18. 01:42. and 02:43... Just watch.
On Thursday me and Lank took a break from the packhorse and went with Donna to the Drawbridge. We ended up helping some of her friends with the quiz which was nice.
I will skip to new years eve...
During the day Jenny phoned me to say she was bored and asked if I wanted to go out somewhere. I agreed and she came round to pick me up. She wanted to go Go-Karting (!?) but it was too expensive. So we decided to go to Cadbury World since neither of us had been since we were children... So off we went...
... It was closed. Shit. Right, plan B...
We headed off towards Birmingham and we went round the Sea Life Centre. I took a few photo's for you all to enjoy:
A Loggerhead turtle (Not of the teenage Mutant Ninja variety)
The new "Otter Park" in the very centre of the Sea life centre...
We got some lunch in Weatherspoons when we had done and then Jen' dropped me back home. I sat playing with the internet for a bit but soon it was time to get ready for our New years party at the Windemere. James and Kate picked me up and we set off. We were in, and drinking before 8:0pm.... Magic! Adam, Carl, and Marcus, complete with speakers and amp showed up and the music got underway...
... Oh yes and he had a microphone as well... That was an interesting choice!
We all had a dance and a game of charades (!?) and just before midnight I dialled the speaking clock, and held my phone speaker to the microphone so that everyone could hear the countdown. It went a little like this...
..."will be twelve AM preciseley... *beep*"
crowd: "WOOHOOO!"
Me: "No not yet, you bunch of..."
Or there-abouts.
Anyway, after the merryment, and the buffet, and the copious amounts of Magners. It was time to go home. Naomi kindly dropped me off home and I staggered in and went to bed...
And thats about it readers. I hope you all had a good start to 2008, and I will see you all soon.
(Answers to "Guess the movie:" 1=Toy Story. 2=Lord of the Rings. 3=Final destination
4=Elf. 5=Day After Tomorrow. 6=Free Willy.)
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