Call that a rocket?
Hello readers and welcome once again to my little blog.
I will crack on with it since dinner is nearly ready.
Ok, Monday and I was back at work following my half term break. I had to walk to work since my car had failed it's MOT and had also run out of tax. No matter though, I just put my earphones in to my phone, whacked on some music and put one foot in front of the other... It only took me about 15 minutes to walk to Woodrush, but I can remember walking home from school as a child and it seemed to take forever! Obviously having longer legs helps quite drastically. Monday seemed to go quite quickly, though, and before I knew it I was walking back out of the gates at 4:00pm.
I got home and lounged about for a bit. In the evening I played Halo with Mr. Turbitt until about 1:ooam. We had some good matches and both gained some significant wins.
Ah, Tuesday. I had to be up early because my car was going in for it's MOT re-test. I dropped it off at All Electric Garages down in Kings Heath and mother dropped me back at Woodrush for about 8:00am. I did my usual hard days work and at 4:00pm I left to meet Grandad, as arranged on the youth centre car park for a lift down to the garage to get my car. The bloke gave me my keys and certificate and I drove out, with the intention of taxing it at Morgams (sorry, I mean "Mills") Newsagents right away...
... But this is ME we're talking about, and things never happen the way they should...
At some point I must have passed a mobile police van who picked up on the fact that my car had no tax... Not that I was driving illegally since, as I'm sure you all know, you are allowed to drive an untaxed car to and from an MOT test centre provided you have insurance for the vehicle. Well as I went passed cocksmoor Woods, 2 police cars were waiting for me. One got behind me, the other shot passed and got in front to box me in. They then led me back to cocksmoors carpark to question me about my tax. I explained about my MOT and showed them my brand-spanking new certificate. One weedy-litte-pointy-hat-wearing-lanky-streak-off-piss-jobsworth of a policeman (I use the phrase "man" lightly) started checking my vehicle and kicking the tires to see if he could find anything wrong with it, because he was obviously annoyed that he, or any of his collegues, couldn't arrest me. I waved the MOT certificate at him and explained that, since I was coming from an MOTcentre, that there is going to be nothing wrong with the car... The bulky-fat-red-miserable-bulldog-tubby-Hitler-seargent then did a licence check to see if I owned the vehicle, mumbled at his collegues and let me go after about 20 minutes... Just enough time that the post office was shut by the time I got to Wythall... Bloody marvellous!
I stayed in that evening too, playing Halo with Adam and messing about on Facebook...
Actually there is a story there... Randomly, Emma Lewis (Although she is now Emma Smith) sent me a message and a friend request. I havent seen Emma in years so it was good to catch up with her.
Wednesday was another walk to work, and the day seemed to drag on for some reason. I had to cover an English lesson and had a child puke half way through! thats twice that has happened to me, and it was in the same room as well! It must be a combination of my teaching, and that particular room that some kids can't stand!... I will be sure to use the full power of this phenomenon in the future!
At what seemed like it should be 8:00pm, but in reality was only 4:00pm, I left school and walked home. I grabbed all my car-related paperwork and went to the post office to finally tax my car...
... But this is ME we're talking about, and things never happen the way they should...
I had, in my stupidity, picked up my insurance certificate that was now out-of-date, since my insurance was up for renewal 2 weeks before. But Admiral hadn't sent me my new form. So the lady at the post office couldn't give me my tax... it was begining to look like I would never be able to drive again, what with all the problems I was having. I went home, phoned Admiral, and asked to have a new insurance certificate.
In the evening I went down to fathers (mother dropped me off) and I spent the evening watching telly before being given a lift home by father.
Ah Thursday. Thursday was a good day. It seemed to fly by quite quickly and before i knew it, I was marching home. I arrived home to find that Admiral had got my new form to me! so that was that: I WAS GOING TO TAX MY CAR COME HELL OR HIGH WATER!!!
... But this is ME we're talking about, and things never happen the way they should...
Like a prat I picked up the renewal notice and dropped the certificate. Now apparently the post office wont issue a tax disc with just a renewal notice (I don't know why) and they were closing in 15 minutes... I shot home (I drove up... Technically illegal, but the police owed me one!) got home and luckily, my certificate was on the kitchen floor. I got back in my car, shot back to Mills and luckily, just luckily, got there a minute or two before 5:30pm!
Phew! finally! I went home and was browsing the internet (specifically: when I came across these little gems. I had received Firebox's catalogue in the post a couple of days earlier which had a £10 voucher inside it... I decided to order one and had it sent to my nans house (since it requires a signature on delivery, and I would have been at work when it arrived...) At 8:00pm I was picked up by lank to go to the Packhorse. I didn't have a lot of money though, so it was a particularly sober evening!
We made our move at about 11:30, after the laughter and merryment had passed... I got in, played a bit of Halo, and went to bed.
Ah, Friday... I DROVE to work (there's a novelty) and worked as hard as I could to make the day go quick...! It did, and 4:00pm was upon me as fast as... as fast as... a... very fast thing, that was in a hurry to get somewhere very fast!
I played a bit of Halo, but had to get ready to go out. You see it had been my cousins birthday and everyone was going for a curry in Henley to celebrate. Selena picked me up at 6:50pm, we went to get some cash, went to get father, and shot over to Henley. By the time we had found a place to park it was gone 7:30pm. We walked up to the restaurant to find everyone waiting for us!
It was a good meal. I had a Lamb Balti with a Special Naan. After we had stuffed ourselves we went back to Lydias house. Her housemates, who were at the restaurant with us, came back and we had a good laugh until about 12:00am when everyone decided to either leave or go to bed... Probably making excuses for the fact that the effects of the curry were starting to kick in!
Selena dropped me off first and I went to bed, knackered!
I awoke Saturday morning and played a little Halo. My nan and grandad arrived and they had my new toy with them! I had to nip out to get fireworks and batteries so I did... You see the plan was we were going to have a barbecue and fireworks party at Adam and Marcuses house. I was providing some of the fireworks but was contacted regarding the matter of charcoal...
... You see Marcus and Adam didn't have any and were out and about trying to locate some. I was enlisted to try and track some down. Luckily, however I had half a sack of the stuff in the shed. I got batteries for my new toy...
... No, stop it I'm talking about the helicopter (if you didn't know it was a helicopter, you obviously didn't click the link 7 paragraphs ago!)
Anyway. I got the fireworks (I got 2 packs of rockets and 2 "barrages" basically a box containing 100 tiny rockets, but only one fuse!)
At 5:30 I packed up the fireworks, the charcoal, a bit of grub for the barbecue, and my toy chopper (since I knew it would provide some entertainment) and set of for Sambourn Close...
I got there and set out my mild explosives along with Marcus and Adams. At 7:30 me and Jenny went to get Jo. By the time we came back, Mark, Katie, Matthew, Naomi, and Kate had arrived. We got the barbecue lit and Mark appointed himself head chef (good job, too, he can do a pretty good burger on the ol' barby! 10 out of 10 Mr Cox!)
We got the show up and running, although my rockets weren't exactly record breakers... They went up, fizzed, and let out a little puff of coloured stars... Not exactly the loudest, most brilliant on the planet. Marcus had some big buggers that were the type used for proper displays... They were BIG. After a couple of house stuffing our faces, and watching the fireworks, the party moved indoors. People had a go at piloting my helicopter (Naomi was rather good at it, and she wants one) before leaving at about 11:30pm. Me and Jo left at about 2:30am. I dropped her home and went home myself... I was in need of some sleep by that point!
And I awoke this morning to blog for you, dear readers...
... Now I'm off to perfect my piloting skills. Look out for piccies and maybe even videos of my skills next week!
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