Why am I all yellow?
Well readers, hello again. It’s time for another dazzling instalment of my ongoing existence!
This week has been filled with wonder and joy, so without further ado, I will begin:
I went to work on Monday knowing that it would be the last Monday to go through before September. The last week of school was going to be good… It was general chaos as usual, but with very little work being done.
In the evening I went out as usual with the gang… I think we might have gone bowling… I probably lost… Yes. That sounds about right.
On Tuesday at work it was the day of our mural painting! The art department was in charge of 5 murals going up around school and I was in charge of some kiddies painting a “Charities and celebrations” themed mural by the office at the end of the Orangery…
… Sorry, I mean “Covered Way” for all you ex-woodrushians!
Anyway we got it done… Just, and because I was feeling lazy I let the kiddies do most of the work. I stepped in a few times to tidy edges up and blend some paint together, but it really is the kids mural, not mine… Here, I have a piccy!
This week has been filled with wonder and joy, so without further ado, I will begin:
I went to work on Monday knowing that it would be the last Monday to go through before September. The last week of school was going to be good… It was general chaos as usual, but with very little work being done.
In the evening I went out as usual with the gang… I think we might have gone bowling… I probably lost… Yes. That sounds about right.
On Tuesday at work it was the day of our mural painting! The art department was in charge of 5 murals going up around school and I was in charge of some kiddies painting a “Charities and celebrations” themed mural by the office at the end of the Orangery…
… Sorry, I mean “Covered Way” for all you ex-woodrushians!
Anyway we got it done… Just, and because I was feeling lazy I let the kiddies do most of the work. I stepped in a few times to tidy edges up and blend some paint together, but it really is the kids mural, not mine… Here, I have a piccy!
On Tuesday evening I probably went out again… Possibly to Carls… Check my shoutbox, because if I’m wrong I’m sure he will let me know.
Ah… Wednesday. It was activities day and so most people were out on trips… Me included. I went with some other members of staff and 3 coach loads of kiddies to Oakerwood, in Shropshire for a day of Paintballing, quadbiking, and “It’s a knockout” tournaments. (If you don’t know what “it’s a knockout” is then clicky here”)
The coaches left at 8:30am and as soon as we were on the M42 the driver said “So, this Oakerwood place, just remind me where it is, again?” My response was less than enthusiastic… Fortunately I knew the rough location as I had seen a map in the staffroom on the leaflet for the centre. We got there for about 10:30am and parked up… After the driver did a 23-point turn in the road to reverse up the long private road to the carpark!
Well anyway, it was a good day. I spent the day quadbiking through wet mud and was plastered by lunchtime. Our group met up with the paintballers and, after a drink and a burger, we went over to the “It’s a knockout” courses. We split in to 8 teams of 10, staff included, and were given a series of challenges… All of which involved running around/over/through/down large inflatable bouncy-castle-type things with slides, ladders, and wobbly things which spring about a lot! By the time we got back on the coach at 3:15pm I was completely shattered and dozed off…
Back at school, we were met by some members of staff who had a letter for us all...
… rewind 3 days. You will remember the vast amounts of water falling from the sky? Well A-block corridor had developed a slight leak, which wasn’t really that bad… I mean, It’s not like huge lumps of plaster were about to fall off the ceiling…
… Back to Wednesday, and that letter…
It basically said that due to huge lumps of plaster falling off the ceiling, A-block corridor had been labelled as a serious health and safety violation and the school would need to be closed off to everybody until it was fixed…
We had finished for the summer 2 days early! Actually, on a slightly serious note, what had happened is that the water had leaked in to the plaster causing it to swell and dislodge itself from the masonry work. The problem is that the school is over 50 years old and that corridor hasn’t had a re-vamp’ since the invention of asbestos! Yes people… I said asbestos! Now no one is sure if there is any up in the nooks and crannies or not… But no one is going to take that risk either!
Wednesday evening came around and Me and Father were going for a bite to eat at the packhorse, since he had a “2 meals for £5.00” voucher. When we got there we saw Malcolm, one of my dads mates who comes skiing, having a meal with his family. We joined them and had a right old chatter. After a while Adam, Carl, and Marcus turned up as well… I had quite a good evening!
Thursday… The first day of my summer holidays!... It was raining.
I basically did nothing all day, except find http://www.simpsonizeme.com/ where you upload a photo and it turns you in to an official Simpsons character! How cool is that? Piccy... (Taken from phone camera off the screen, since I couldn't work out how to save the image)
Ahem... Back to the blog... I then went to the pub in the evening. Lank wasn’t out so I decided to take a leisurely stroll up to the packhorse. The evening went well, as ever. Kate decided to put all of her money in the quiz machine… But she won £4.00 so… Um… Yeah! Great!
She did, however, give me a lift home at the end of the night so I wouldn’t have to walk through the rain. Bless her little cotton socks.
On Friday, I did pretty much the same as I did on Thursday. In the evening I went for a curry down at my nans. T’was very nice. I might go again this coming Friday!
On Saturday I had a curious call from selena. She had bought an “Ab Roller”!!! (Yes, it’s OK… My first question was “A what, now?” as well.) Basically it’s a frame that you use to “crunch” your Ab’s with… But she insisted that the holes for the feet were drilled on the wrong side, so she wanted to use the drill in the entry to make some new ones… After playing with it for about 10 minutes, I swapped the hand bar over so that in fact, it DID fit together with no extra drilling… Although that presented another query… We were both expecting the damn thing to pivot, like a hinge when you did the sit up thingys, but it didn’t… It was a solid-state frame you just hung on to! It was completely pointless… So we took it back to Argos, and she swapped it for some aerobic step thingys… With bungee cords… (Yes, I know, it sounds weird) but not only is it a good work-out, it’s also quite good fun! In the evening I probably did something… Or maybe not, I keep losing track of the days!
Ah… Sunday. In the afternoon I went to see Donna and her dance class perform at Solihull Library Theatre. After a slight hiccup (which would take far to long to explain) I was seated. The theme of the whole show was “music from the movies.”
It was very good. I had never seen Donna dance before… She’s really good! The outfits were amazing, and the whole shebang was awesome!
Afterwards I dropped my old weights over to Marcus and went to my nans for tea as usual. Me and Selena left at about 10:30pm because we had to pick mum up from the airport. She was coming back from Majorca, but was slightly delayed. We eventually got the ok at 11:45pm and set off from Wythall…
… Taxi drivers are dicks…
… Why were there so many all driving AT me!? Have they got a death-wish!?
After dodging all the taxis on the Coventry road, I got to the airport and picked mum up. I then came back to go to bed as I was knackered!
This morning I had to take mum in to work because her car wouldn’t start! Typicall!...
… Anyway, I’ve been typing for far too long now… I’m going out in a bit, so I will have to cut the end a bit short…
Sorry, readers…
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