Hello readers. And before you start ranting, yes, yes I know I am 2 days late. I appologise. But lets not bicker and argue, lets blog...
I start last monday... Bank Holiday. I went with Kate, Jenny, and Marcus to Kinver to meet up with Niccola and Spike. Kate drove, which was nice of her, and she came to pick me up at about 1:00pm. We arrived in Kinver (or "Revnik" as Spike calls it, for some reason!) about three-quarters of an hour later, and immediately went for a canal-side walk. On the way we saw a duck with some chics, so out came the ol' camera...
All together now... "aaaaaawww... Thats soooo cute!" Ha ha... Well we walked on and came to a set of locks which were about to be opened. Since kate had never seen a set in operation before we watched them go through. Whilst watching some tosser on a push-bike came up to Kate and barked "can you MOVE off the cyle path "please") in a mannar which suggested that he owned the damned path! He didn't, of course, and was simply just a random wanker who, if he had hung around any longer, would have found himself with his bicycle wrapped round his neck and thrown in to the canal! I can't stand people who have no manners, we are in the 21st century, not the fucking dark-ages... Honestly...
Well, after he cycled off I managed to capture the best photo of the day...
Ha ha... I love this... It's the infamous Wheatley-Smile that makes me laugh. Plus the fact that Jenny is completely oblivious!After the walk Niccola suggested we visit Kinver Rock-houses. Basically caves that had house-fronts built on to the front of them back in the late 19th century. We grabbed an ice cream and walked up the 70-billion degree hill to get to the houses. Inside they really were caves with cupboards and beds and stuff... It was most perculiar! We then went up to the "old bit" where the houses used to be, but were weathered away over time, there is still an old iron gate/door there though...
Finally! Put somewhere they belong! ha ha! Actually it was very interesting. Whilst in this section I videoed Marcus who thought i was only taking a photograph... He made me promise not to display the video on my blog so I haven't...... But he didn't mention anything about uploading it to you Youtube, so here's the link...
Right... On with the show... Afterwars we went to the pub for some food and a drink. While there Julia and Lee came to see us. They didn't stay long though, and to be honest, neither did we. At about 5:30-ish we hit the road back home. I didn't go out in the evening because i was a bit knackered due to all the walking we did around Kinver!
So I will go on to Tuesday... Back to work I went and it was an OK day. In fact we had the start of the art & design A-Levels to prepare for. (a mere week after the GCSE's!) In the evening I cant remember what I did... Sorry. You may have to read John's blog to find out... (I know I will!)
Wednesday was the start of the A level art exams and so I was on some serious cover-work. 5 periods of straight-up teaching... It's difficult when you have to go scrumping for classrooms!
I went down to fathers as usual that evening to watch some telly... I needed it!
Thursday... Was... Well it was the 2nd day of exams... So it was exactly the same as the day before... I was glad to end up in the Packhorse that evening.
Friday... Guess what? the 3rd (but final) day of the A-levels so more cover, more teaching! I went out in the evening though which was good. Me and Marcus ended up in the curry-house next door to the red lion, and who should walk in? Jo! with Kerry and her chav-tastic looking boyfriend. She was back from uni' for the weekend so we had a chat, and planned to have lunch the next day.
Saturday felt good. After a lie-in I met up with Marcus, Adam, John, and Jo for lunch in the Black Boy. as planned the day before. We then decided to go for a walk but it started to rain. We got in the car and ended up at Earlswood where it was sunnier, so we walked around the lakes for a bit. On the way round we came across a play-area, which had a good climbing-tree in it...
Look out! It's Adam in a tree! Actually we all ended up climbing it, and at one point I was hannging upside down by my legs off one of the branches... But not a high one! After our merryment we walked back round to the Resevoir pub... I was talking to Marcus about school when I hear, from the window of a moving car...
"Mr Evaaaaaans!"
I have no idea who it was, but it was someone quite young. We went in to the pub and was met by one of the year 11 girls who I forgot started working there a few weeks earlier. Honestly, I can't go anywhere! After we had been there a few hours, we left at around 7:00pm The others wanted to go and rent a video but I whimped out and went home. Since there was nothing on the telly I decided to watch the Eurovision... Yes I know the voting is political, and our song was the most pointless piece of shite ever written, but I watched it anyway.
Ok, Sunday... The day I should have blogged (oh, the shame!)... I actually did a few hours at the legion, because Val' phoned me the day before saying they had been left in the lurch by the normal two that do it. I agreed because I never have anything to do on Sundays... And I enjoy working with Becky who works there now. She left Woodrush a few years ago, but she has me in stitches laughing sometimes! I finished there at 7:00pm, came home, and went down to my nams after picking Selena up.
Which brings us to Yesterday. I had a good day at work, and in the evening went with Donna and Benji to the packhorse. I haven't seen Donna in about a month so it was good catching up with her. In fact i am going in to Brum' on Thursday to "The Sunflower Lounge" I've never been before but it is meant to be good... I will blog it readers, never fear!
Ok, Today... Today has been a bit... well, sad. The year 11's had their final day today. So at 2:00pm they had an assembley to say goodbye. Afterwards it was all hugs and handshakes... I walked in to the hall after the main assembley to hear someone shout... YO! IT'S MR EVANS... and was swarmed by about 8 year 11's who tried to group-hug me... Strange bunch. They will be back in a fortnight for the GCSE's but after that they will be out in the harshness of the world. I can honestly say I will miss each and every one of them.
And on that note, readers. I will bid thee farewell.
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