Papas' got a brand new blog!
Hello readers and welcome to the kick-off session of 2007. I know it's not the first post of the new year but it is the first "proper" one. I deliberately waited until now so I actually have something to type about since the first week of the year was a mess.
So, on to proceedings, and I will start by telling you that when I logged in to Blogger just a few moments ago, the nice people behind the scenes, who push all the big buttons had decided to ramp up my blogging power by shifting my account to the new blogger. I will explore the new changes at a later date, ut if it is easier to mess with the templates, I might decide to give the old page a face-lift at some point.
Anyway, lests blog... After I had finished messing about on Photoshop the other week I spent the next few days heliping Kieron and Selena move in to their new place in Kings Norton. Me and Kieron went to pick up the van he had hired on the Wednesday (I think) and spent the next few days shifting wardrobes, boxes, and furniture. Honestly, I don't know how Mr Robinson delivers couches with his cousin. I couldn't do it day-in-day-out for a living, it's too much hastle. that said, we got it done and they were pretty much settled in nicely by Thursday. The ground floor maisonette is a lovely little place, with two bedrooms and a little garden. Kieron wants to paint the kitchen, though as the current colour scheme is... well... "unorthodox."
... it's luminous pink, actually, but each to their own, I suppose!
Anyway, on Saturday (that would be the 6th) everyone went round to see what it was like without the boxes lying araound, and the furniture positioned to where it should be. It was good. I'm starting to want my own place to decorate, and to be a man in!
Ah well. nevermind.
Monday... "Noooooo" I had to go back to work. Fortunately there were no meetings and I got on with the usual tasks that I normally do. The day skipped by unusually quickly and we were out by 4.00pm which felt like it came about an hour after 9:30am
In the evening myself, Adam, Jenny and Marcus went to the Woodmans for a drink, since there was nothing much else to do. I was home for 12:00 and jumped in to beddie-byes since I had to train my body to wake up at a time befitting someone in full-time employment within the education industry.... Well, at least before about 10:30am which is when I had been getting up in the holidays!
I sprung out of bed on Tuesday morning.... At 8:00am... D'oh! which left me half an hour to get ready for, and get to, work. I ran in to the classroom at about 8:45am but was thankfully forgiven. Tuesday didn't go as quickly as Monday so I was thankfull when we left at about 4:00pm. I went home to play Chromehounds for a bit and eventually got ready to go to the cinema with Adam and Jenny (no Marcus this time, he was off celebrating something-or-other)
We went to see "Employee of the month" quite funny, but not a box office record breaker. It was the typical "Boy wants girl, obnoxious Mr Goody-goody also wants girl, Mr goody-goody is a bit of a git but very popular, Boy needs to prove himself to girl, series of comical showdowns follow to a climax where underdog Boy eventually wins girls heart" type of film...
... Whatever. Lets do Wednesday...
During the course of the first week back we have had a couple of staff go ill so I have been doing cover lessons and a fair bit of teaching. All the year groups are starting new schemes of work and so it's all new to them again. The year 8's are doing "distorted portraits" and we have introduced them to Francis Bacon, a personal favorite of mine. I decided, during the course of a leson to give an example of his work, and to draw one. Problem was that not everyone can see a demonstration if it's drawn on paper at the front of the class... So I decided to draw it on the huge white board in marker pen... (I'll let you judge it for yourself, I have included the original image of bacons work so you can compare the two)
Hmm... Now like I said it is done in marker pen on a white board. My drawing is about 3 feet high (thats bigger than the original!) I will point out that the white dot on the eye was added by a horrible child after I had drawn it. Afterwards, I decided to draw myself in the style of Bacon (since that was what they were trying to do, not just copy an image) so I grabbed the marker pen again and... ... Drew that. It isn't as big as the first one, nor as detailed, but it's not bad for a quick demonstration. One of the kiddies decided to point out that I look better in the drawing than I do in real life... You can decide for yourselves, dear readers but don't make a point of telling me your decision...
Ok. Thursday was a typical thursday so I will jump to the evening in the swan... The following image neatly describes the type of evening we had...
You just know Lank is feeling far too comfortable wearing that scarf like that. It was actually Nicola's and just about everyone wore it round their head at some point. We had a right old laugh and a merry night was had by all...
Friday at work was good because we left at 3:30 to go to the pub! and after leaving the pub (and helping father with his new freezer) I went with adam up to Solihull for his Birthday drink. We met up with some people who used to work with him at Transco in weatherspoons and Moved on to Apres. Interesting place. It wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't have a complete berk try to dance with me all evening! pissed out of his skull he was flailing his arms about in a club that was rammed with people and all he wanted to do was dace next to me! I eventually got away from him by waiting until he was behind me, trying to wiggle himself up to a group of women, whilst I was coming back from the bar and "accidentally" elbowed him in the kidneys as I went past. This lasted all of 5 minutes though before he was back juping about like a complete wanker... All be it slightly further away from me. Anyway, we got back to Adams for about 2:00am and mommy kindly came to give me a lift home. (she doesn't sleep these days, I swear!)
I have to do all of that again though, later as i'm going to Solihull with Jason, Gemma and Becky for her 21st birthday... 2 nights out in a row!? Anyone would think I'm still quite youthful!
TTFN readers
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