Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see.
Well readers. What a week. Last Saturday Carl came back from Uni'. I took him, as well as John and Adam over to "Pinocchio's fancy dress" over in Cotterage. Adams sister Amy is having a fancy dress party in Birmingham on November 12th and I needed a costume. I tried on a Red Indian outfit and a Robin Hood one... I chose Robin Hood in the end as the head-dress on the Indian outfit was a bit big and wobbly. I paid a £10 deposit to reserve it until November...
You want to see the pictures dont you?
I can tell....
Oh go on then... Me as the indian chief (With a fit Snow White behind me!) complete with wobbly head-dress. I think that going for Robin Hood was the better choice...
I think I cut quite a dashing figure. The costume comes with the trousers, a belt (which I'm not wearing in the pic') leather wrist guards and boot covers.
Enough of this sillyness.... On with the blog...
On Tuesday I came home from work and after getting changed I headed over to Stratford to do a bit of clothes shopping. I got togged up and came home £100 lighter. In the evening me Adam, and John went to meet Alex in the Jug of Ale for the pub quiz. We called ourselves "The peanut smugglers" and came 6th out of 14 teams with a score of 75 points. Quite good really.
On the Wednesday I went to meet Kate and Corrine at the Coach House in Solihull. I haven't seen Kate in over 12 months so I am glad we had a chance to catch up. I left at about 8pm to go to fathers house. He had bought a boxing magazine which included a DVD showing Muhammad Ali's two biggest fights. Sonny Liston (1964) and George Foreman (1974 "Rumble in the Jungle"). We watched both fights before I came home for some supper and beddie-byes.
Today at work was interesting. Incidents which shall not be discussed on this website have made today one of the most bizzare yet. I am looking forward to tomorrow as we have another non-uniform day, although everyone is supposed to wear "sports gear" as a theme... I might go in wearing my full skiing outfit just for a laugh.
I will be drowning my sorrows in The Swan later.... I definitley need a pint or two!
TTFN Readers!
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