Friday, August 19, 2005


Howdy readers, well as you can see the plaque is finished. The text was a Bitch to get right but it turned out all right. I must point out that the white area you can see to the left of the grapes is just a slight reflection off the flash on the camera and isn't visible on the wood. I presented it to Derek and Helen at the legion and was given a big round of applause by everyone. It was a really nice feeling!

On a totaly unrelated topic, It was my dads birthday today and me and my sister got him a watch from Argos. Its quite nice, the face is a solar panel so it doesn't need a battery.

Well I am knackered so thats about all from me readers. night night!

1 comment:

Adam said...

Nice piece of work there Gaz give yourself a pat on the back.