Yesterday, a.k.a. Saturday was a bit boring. I got up fairly late and ended up lounging about the house until a random phonecall from Mr Bennett livened things up. He was going up to Becketts farm driving range. He had borrowed his brothers driver and a couple of tees. He invited me to come and have a go so I went to kill the time. I had 45 shots and Dan had about 60. We spent a couple of hours thwacking then off the range. Never having used one of these monstrous clubs before (I hardly play golf, let alone use something as professional as a "driver"!) I was naturally awkward with it and skewed a few shots a few feet before really getting to grips with it....
... And then it happened. A nice easy back-swing, a forcefull strike followed by a beautiful "thwack" sound and I had sent the ball straight down the range at a distance of 200 yards. The feeling is euphoric. I plan to go some more as it is a good stress reliever. I will go down to Cash Converters in Kings Heath tomorrow and see if I can spend a "fiver on a driver"!
Saturday evening at the club was not bad. We had a new band called "Lizard Skins" who were quite good.
Right, on to today...
I got up to cook Sunday lunch (bet you didn't know I can do a mean curry did you?) while Mum and Sis' were out. Now it must be said that chicken curry for Sunday lunch isn't most peoples first choice but we get bored of the same old roast dinners. So I got cooking. It turned out rather good and I did a portion of fried rice seasoned with saffron (ooh, get you with the cuisine!)
I sat for an hour or two reading a book that I am part way through... 'erm... reading. "Zero Option" by Chris Ryan. it's about an SAS officer who has his family kidnapped and how he has to trick the IRA into letting them go. It's a really good book and I am nearly finished after only a week after picking it up.
Today at the Legion David was working with me as Sarah is on holiday. He plays golf regularly and I asked him how to swing properly. He showd me with an old broom handle and corrected me on a few things like grip and stance... And position, back swing technique, foot placement, forward swing technique, weight transfer, eye co-ordination, follow through, and over-swing correction... You know.. Just the basics... He asked me what my handicap was, to which I replied "golf" and continued practicing my swing with the broom handle in between serving customers. Now when we go to the range again I might be able to surprise Dan. (Lank, If you are at work reading this then promise me you wont tell him I have had a bit of help!)
After work I went down to my Nans as per usual and watched Top Gear. I got a call from the club saying that Tony had found my wages. I had dropped them and not realised it so on my way home I stopped off to pick them up.
I am now going to get myself a plate of apple strudel and custard.
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