Hello readers and welcome to a 2 week blogging bonanza! I awarded myself a week off from blogging as I didn’t really have the time to do it and to be honest the whole process is becoming stale and repetitive.
I think I have combated this now, but I hope the trend doesn’t continue or it will be the death-knell of my blog. I will just get later and later until there is nothing left. My blog would be confined to the scrap heap, and although it can be a pain trying to find the time to do it, I would miss it if I let it curl up and die… So, on to 2 weeks ago…
Monday was a normal one. The evening was spent at Adam and Carls where we watched TV...
Tuesday was pretty much the same.
Wednesday was spent out at the Packhorse with the TA's from Woodrush who I haven’t seen for a while and it was nice to catch up.
Thursday. I was in the Swan. Jess and Paul came out which was nice, and I was even visited by Dad and Lindsey who had come up from waaaaaaaaaaaaay down south for a few days... A good time was had by all.
Friday. I spent the evening in the cinema with Selena and Kieron watching The Watchmen. If you haven’t seen the film, go and see it! (there’s boobs!) It is a fantastic film with one of the best intros ever! Afterwards I dropped Selena and Kieron off home and came home to bed.
Saturday. Ah now... Saturday was good. It was the night that everyone celebrated in the Beer Keller. At this point I would like to upload some funky pictures...
... But I don't have any. Sorry but it's true. I was far too busy dancing and drinking to take photos however Jason has some, Katie has some and Marcus bluetoothed me a video of myself...
I will upload it just so you can all have a good laugh at me. Now bear in mind that what you are about to see is not only harmful, it is also sexually explicit...
... Well, ok no it's not... But I bet I got your attention for a moment didn't I!?
turn your speakers on.... This is cringe worthy, but funny...
Stop laughing and read on…
We got home for about 4:00am and I went straight to bed.
Sunday. My birthday! I awoke at about 10:00-ish and unwrapped my pressie from the TAs at Woodrush. They had bought me a doodle book, which was nice. And some Cobra Beer… Which was even better!
To combat the experience of the night before I went with Jason and Gemma for breakfast at Little Chef. This helped quell the hang over. Jason then Dropped me home so I could go to Fathers where he had prepared tea for me, selena, my nan, and aunt. My cake was a TopGear one. Naturally I got a photo of it...

Some say, Yellow icing is made from the tears of baby Jesus. And that if you ate it all to yourself you'd be a fat bastard... All we know is, it tasted lovely!
Right. That was the week that was…
Now on to last week!
Monday. Work went rather quickly and the evening was spent at Adam and Carls where Carl was attempting to construct an 819 piece 3D puzzle of Minas Tirith from Lord of the Rings.

That thing…
We watched some TV before I came home to bed.
Tuesday. Again, work passed by quickly and the evening was spent once again over at Adam and Carls. Carl had made drastic progress with his model and it was taking shape!
Wednesday. After work I came home to play around on Facebook before getting something to eat and going to Fathers. A new series of Ice Road Truckers started a week or so ago and so I watched it to catch up.
Thursday. The Swan was the evenings destination and me and Lank popped along as usual. We drank our fill with the usual crowd until 11:30pm when we left. A good time was had by all.
Friday. Work ended and I left work as usual. I was home for 4:30pm and I decided that it was time I spent some of my birthday money. I went to GAME and bought Street Fighter 4 for the 360. I came home and stuck it in the machine. Now I haven’t played a street fighter game since Street Fighter 2 Turbo on the SNES, and what I am about to say I say seriously: The SNES version was a far better game.
SF4 is a complete disappointment. The controls feel like you are playing a BETA version and the computer spams fireballs at you like its been programmed to act like a douche’ on xbox live. SF4 is the worst game I have ever bought…. There. I said it!
I then had to turn off the pointless game and get ready as I was being picked up by Donna to go in to Solihull for her Birthday shindig! We were dropped off at Wetherspoons where we met up with some of her dancing school and people she worked with. Benji was there and Kate joined us a while later. After trying to watch Comic Relief with no sound we drank up and headed on over to Reflex! Now the last time I was there it was a bit dead and boring, but that night was far superior. 80’s tunes + dancefloor + booze = awesome….
We were there until about 2am when we decided to get a taxi back. I came in and went to bed…
Saturday. I awoke at some point in the morning and had some lunch. Nan, Grandad and Selena came over as usual but I went over to Adams with SF4 so that he could experience the shoddiness of it…
… Rather annoyingly he seemed to get on with it better than I could, though it still made him shout and swear at the telly….
After a while we turned it off, watched some TV and then ordered a Chinese since we were all feeling peckish. After that was over it was more telly and off to the Greville for a swift pint before I came home.
Sunday. Normal one really… The only different thing I did was get up and go to get Donna birthday present. I ended up getting her a book entitled “A shopaholics guide to the web: 1000 useful websites” I hope she finds it useful (I had a flick through and noted down a few of the menswear sites, so look out for some funky new threads in the near future!)
I came home to go to the Legion and afterwards went to my nans for tea before coming back home….
Right. I will leave you there readers…