Hello readers. Welcome to another thrilling update. Let me dive right in with last Monday...

Now, before any of you pass judgement, let me explain that I had been drinking WINE. You can see the glass in my hand. Secondly, why has no one ever told me that when I smile I look like a younger CAPTAIN MAINWARING! for Christs sake!?
I mean lets compare that, shall we?
Me, aged 50? You decide...
Anyway. At 1:00am the taxi returned to take us home. I was ready to drop. I got in and went straight to bed.
Not-very-many-hours later I awoke, Sunday morning. I got up and headed over to Adam and Carls as we were off to Memorabilia at the NEC. We got there for about 12:00 mid day and were soon wandering around all the geeky goodness that makes up the show. We spent time looking at all the...
... Oh sod it...
... Sod the lot of it. You know what? All this is completely pointless. I could witter on about film props, movie posters, and people dressed up as daleks... But it's all for nothing....
Because whilst there I saw the king of cool, himself. The one and only....
Can you tell who that is?
It is non other than Mr. Henry "The Fonz" Winkler! Oh yes, people, lap it up! There he is.
He did a talk on stage about the first ever interview he had at the studios. He is naturally funny and, as I realised when he was asked a question from one of the crowd, a really nice bloke! I wishe we had hung around to see if we could have got an autograph but we decided to press on. It must be said that this years Memorabilia seemed smaller than previous ones. It was in the same hall, and filled it no problem, but somehow there didn't seem to be as much happening. Anyway we saw everything that there was to see and left. We went to The Greville for lunch and then back to Carl and Adams for a game of Settlers of Catan. I didn't go to my nans as the driving, walking round the NEC and the large lunch had made me sleepy so I lounged around until it was time to come home.
Right. I will leave you there readers. TTFN.