Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wait... What time is it?

Hello readers. Before I start blogging I will remind you that you should have put your clocks back an hour...

I trust you all remembered.

Right, well... Where to begin. As most of you will realise, this week has been half-term, so that means I've been on a weeks respite from Woodrush. To be honest, there isn't a lot to blog about and my weekdays have been quite boring. My car won't be on the road until Tuesday, so I have been stuck inside... In fact my week days can be summed up in just one word (avid readers may be able to guess what that word is)

Halo. Plain and simple. I have spent the week playing Halo 3.

But I will get on with the day by day account, so many of you have grown acustomed to...

Monday. During the day I played Halo but in the evening I was picked up by Donna and Lank and we went for a drink in the Peacock with Kate who used to work in the Swan. I haven't seen her in a while but we had a good natter. After a few good pints it was all too soon time to call it a night. We said farewell to Kate and headed for home where I had a bite to eat and went to bed.

I got up Tuesday and, yep, you've guessed it... Straight on the ol' Xbox360.

In the evening I went out to the Packhorse with Adam and Jo. Again, since I wasn't driving, it was more beer for me! After laughter and merryment, it was again time to head for home where I went to bed.

Wednesday... Stuff what I did during the day. In the evening me and father went back over to Lichfield to finally sort out a webcam for one of his friends. I worked a little techno-magic and got it to work without crashing the whole machine. Father fixed a section of coving and we went on our merry way.

Ah, Thursday. In the Packhorse we were a bit thin on the ground. Myself, Mark, Katie, Benji, kate (for an hour) but bolstered by the arrival of Marcus and Carl! Who was back from Plymouth for the weekend.

On Friday afternoon Carl came over. I was downloading the Family Guy Star Wars Special (which is called "Blue Harvest" due to that being the code name for Episode VI!) After watching it, and playing some Halo, Donna gave me a ring and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a drink. Me and Carl decided to meet up with her in the Packhorse. We got there early and got a bite to eat. We were joined by Donna just as the pudding was served. We had a natter (and I had to do the introductions, since Donna and Carl had never met before!) After the grub and the beer it was, again, time to go home. We said ta-ta to Donna and Carl Dropped me home.

Ah, Saturday. I unhooked my Xbox ready for Carls arrival. He picked me up and then went to get John... Yes! Thats right! JOHN came out! I haven't seen him in about 2 months! We went back over to Carls and we hooked my Xbox up to Adams and had team games on Halo 3!. Me and Carl playing Adam and John. Marcus and Jenny went out to the cinema to see Stardust.

Afterwards we dropped John home, and was supposed to meet Jo, Gemma and Woody for a drink, but they were back in the Masons so Adam and Carl came round to mine and we watched Kelly's Heroes on DVD. At about 12:30am they left and I went to bed.

I awoke this morning to the smell of roasting Lamb... lovely! I then started blogging, stopped to have dinner, and then carried on...

... But now I've finished!

TTFN readers!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I knew we wouldn't win...

Hello readers and welcome to this weeks blog.

Well, I will get the ranting over and done with before I blog properly... And if you read the title i'm sure you all know what I'm going to go on about...

English Sportsmen, that's what! I assume most of you watched the Rugby? OK, we did really well to get to final, and that disallowed try didn't help, but really? South Africa? We should have been on better form, and shown a little flair. Mind you, it's not like rugby players are like footballers... Pansies! ("Ooh ref' he looked at me in a funny way and thats not allowed, let me have a free kick... What if I roll around clutching my shin? would that help?")

British sportsmen seem to cling to the old saying of "It's not the winning, it's the taking part that counts"


Seriously, I hope Hamilton wins the F1 chapionship. Otherwise British sport will truly be dead in my eyes... I mean can't we win just one little thing? Can't we be better at something than somebody else for a change?

Anyway... Now that I have vented my frustration I will start his blog.

Monday. Monday heralded the start of the last week before half-term. It was also the day my car had to go in for it's MOT... And guess what! Yep, failed! Brakes mainly (scary, isn't it?) along with my cracked rear light (even though the light works.)

In the evening, therefore, Adam, along with Jo came over to Wythall and we went to the Packhorse.

Tuesday at work was a bit dull, but went fairly quickly. The evening was spent playing Halo. It was suggested that everyone go bowling, but no one wanted to. Still, pretending to run round shooting things is better than knocking down a few old skittles, anyway.

Wednesday was a good day at work. Everyone was counting dowen to Friday. In the evening, me and father went over to do a bit of PC repair work (I mentioned it in my last post) over in Litchfield. The problem wasn't a tricky one, but I will need to go back and alter a few things to make a webcam work properly, instead of crashing the PC every time it wants to load in MSN. While i was there I became aware of a gritty feeling in my throat. You know the feeling, it feels like you have sand stuck in your voicebox, usually before you get a raging sore throat...

On Thursday I awoke with a raging sore throat, stuffy head, watery eyes, a stiff neck, and a snotty nose... Lovely. I phoned in sick, doped myself up on Lockets, Cough medicine, Paracetamol and, very nearly, the cats worming tablets (well they look like dequacain tablets and they were in the cupboard!) though I stopped myself just in time after reading the back of the packet. I then went back to bed to sleep it off. I awoke at about 2:30pm feling marginally better. I made myself a hot cup of coffee and necked it (assuming that it was possible to"burn the illness out of my throat" Strangely, after a second or two of pain it helped... I'm not sure why but if you ever have a sore throat, try hot coffee... REALLY hot coffee)

I then went back to bed for an hour. When i got up I was surprised to find that the symptoms had subsided a fair bit. Would I be well enough to go out later? Well as it turns out, no not really, but I had arranged to meet up with Kate from college, who I haven't seen in a fair while. So I mustered my strength, had another hot drink, and got a lift to The Plough. I was there a bit before kate so I sat by the bar. She arrived about 10 minutes after me and we sat and had a drink before getting a table in the restaurant section for a bite to eat. I decided to try something that I had never tried before... Venison. It was really good, and I had cheesecake for afters. After a natter and another drink we decided to call it a night. I got a lift back to Wythall, and Kate went home, though I will be seeing her again in a couple of weeks because we're going to see The Foo Fighters at the NEC!

Right... Friday. The last day of term. It should have been a good day, but being off the day before, I had missed some of the drama. I wont go in to it, but a member of staff who was leaving, who was one of my friends, I might add, didn't get chance to say goodbye to anyone because of a stupid decision on behalf of the powers that be...

It's a long story, and one that I'm sure isn't suited to be posted on my little bit of the internet.

Anyway. At 3:00pm the bell went and the kiddies went. The staff followed half an hour later. I went home and after a couple of hours of TopGear started getting ready for a night out. Me, Adam, Jenny, Marcus, and two of Jenny's (quite good looking!) friends were going for a drink in Solihull. I got a lift in and met up with everyone in The Coach House. After a while Bobby joined us and I started queuing at the bar... After a good 20 minutes, I had been served and could get on with the business of actually socialising with people. After a few drinks we decided to move on to The Hogs Head for a quick drink. After The Hogs Head it was decided that we would go on to Reflex! Somehow me and Adam ended up carrying Jenny's friends (Ellie and Corinne) up the high street, in a sort of unofficial race! (god help us if one of us had fallen over!) Anyway we got in to Reflex, but ellie was stopped because apparently she was "too drunk" to go in! I have never heard such twaddle from doormen (although granted she was 3 parts gone, but so were lots of people going in!) We ended up round the corner in The Saddlers Arms. It was packed to the rafters, but we found our spot and had a bit of a dance. Whilst in there I bumped (quite literally!) in to one of the skiing party. Larry (who is a bit of a Joker, and managable only in small doses) was in there so I said hello. He spent the first 5 minutes talking to me before saying "So... Tell me where I know you from" I just said "Skiing!" and then he started talking to me but calling me Adrian (my dads name, for those of you readers who wouldn't know) so I corrected him, he said "F**KIN' 'ELL! NICE TO SEE YA!" and walked off... Which was probably for the best, since he was rather inhebriated, and was walking sideways.

Anyway. After the merriment had been had, and the beer had been drunk. It was time to call it a night. I dived in to a taxi and set off, homeward bound.

I was awakenrd on Saturday morning by...

.. Hang on. Is that correct English? "I was awakened"

Screw it...

I got up Saturday earlier than planned because my nan, Grandad, and dog arrived. Mum had gone shopping so I was the only person in. Saturday was spent on Halo and, where needed, the PC. Literally that is all I did all day. I found a couple of free games on the 'net that are quite good at wasting time... They are silly, pointless, but strangely addictive...

There's Bloons where you have to pop as many balloons as possible (One for you, Donna?)

And there's Red where you use your turret to repel asteroids.

Give them a go!

Anyway that was saturday.

This morning I got up. Watched some telly, ate lunch... Roast chicken, very nice! and started Blogging.

... And that's the end of that chapter...


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Where' they coming from? She only had four!

Hello readers...

... Actually I was thinking, how many regular readers do I have? It would be interesting to find out. If you want to stand up and be counted put a post in my shoutbox on the right, look, it's just over there...

Anyway, on with the show...

I will start with last Monday (the day before my last, rather late, post.) Work was a typical Monday affair, with me not fully waking up until about 11:00am. In the evening, instead of going out I played Adam on Halo for a good few hours...

... In fact I acheived my Spartan Officer ranking! I know that won't really impress any of you, but for me it's a very good thing...


Tuesday was, well just like a Tuesday. I didn't go out in the evening, either because the gang went to see Halloween at the Cinema, and to be honest, I've never really been a fan. Michael Myers as a baddie isn't scary... it's a bloke in a boiler suit with a silly white mask. The film is also a remake of the original, rather than a sequel, which is generally something I avoid like the plague.

Wednesday... Work was work, and in the evening I went down to Fathers as usual. I would have been drafted in to doing a bit of PC repair work for one of his friends, but she was out, so that will be done this coming Wednesday instead... I put Phoenix Nights on, since I never got in to it when it was on TV, but I've made an effort to watch it and I find it really funny.

Ah, Thursday. Thursday was a good day at work, It seemed to go quite quick and I got quite a bit done... Bargain! in theevening it was business as usual at the Packhorse. Me and Lank got down there for just gone 8:00pm and everyone else followed a bit later.

Friday... Friday was a bit of a git of a day. It dragged on, and the History lesson I had to cover wasn't the best I have ever done. I was glad to get out at 3:30pm. I came home and fell asleep... I don't usualy take a kip in the afternoons, as it's something that I feel should be reserved for people who are quite a bit older than myself. But I had a quick kip purely because I was unfathomably knackered...

In the evening it was more Halo, playing along with some kiddies as part of a team slayer... Although we suffered some losses, a point or two was won and we came away slightly better off than when we started.

Saturday was interesting. I went with Father over to Stratford because he has bought himself a car! His R-reg' 1.8 Escort has been replaced with a T-reg' 3.0 Jaguar S-Type! I was there purely to drive the Escort back, but have been promised a drive in the Jag when It's properly insured.

Blimey! All this Car-talk has reminded me, mine's in for it's MOT on Monday.

In the evening the Packhorse crowd met in Weatherspoons to celebrate Jenny's birthday (all be it a week late) we watched England beat France at, oh... You know, that game... Not quite as popular as football, even though they can use their hands... RUGBY! thats the one! And ended up singing "Swing low, sweet chariot" for half an hour. We then took a walk to Rosies (Where else?) and spent the night bopping away to a selection of '80's hits... And a few '80's flops.

At about 2:30am we left and joined the queue for the taxis. Half an hour later we were off back to blighty. I got in and had something to eat (as is the law after a night drinking) and got to bed at just before 4:00am

I awoke early this afternoon and cooked a chicken curry for lunch. I ate that and got on with the serious job of blogging for you, dear readers... And that is where I will leave you...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Late entry...

Hello readers and appologies for the late post. Sunday was spent playing Halo.

In fact I will ask for your forgivness if this post seems a little rushed as I want to play it some more!

I will start last Monday, and work was the same as ever. In the evening, me Ad' and Jo went to the pub. Marcus stayed in doing boring but necessary work type stuff though.

Tuesday, and work went quite quickly for me. In the evening I think I might have gone out with Adam and Jo again...

Wednesday was a shocking day! I had to be for a... a... a...


Phew! even typing the word makes me feel ill! It wasn't just me though, everyone was there, which wasn't to bad. After I raced out of work at 4:00pm I came home to more Halo 3... Aah... Halo 3.

I then went down to Fathers as usual. He had made biscuits! (Actually they were quite nice!)

Thursday at work was a good day. Lots of painting was done, and I gave a demonstration... Well, someone has to! in the evening it was the Packhorse as usual. Kate bought out some "Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans" (apparently it's from Harry Potter!) Guess what flavour I got?

Go on, guess?

I got bloody earwax flavour! Thats what! It was horrible! I then voluntarily tried "Dirt" flavour, and, to be fair it did taste like dirt... Wonderful!

Friday I went to work and waited until 3:30pm... When I shot out of the door glad it was the weekend. I spent all evening playing...

... yes, you've guessed it...

Saturday was spent playing...

... yes, you've guessed it...

Sunday was, oh, you get the idea!

Right, now I'm off to play...

... yes, you've guessed it!