Hello readers and welcome to a photo-heavy blog! I'm blogging the half term week, so I will skip all the fat and get right in to the meat of the subject: (Thats a long way of saying "I'll get to the point")
I will skip to Tuesday: I spent a £20 HMV voucher that I had for Christmas. I got Test Drive: Unlimited for the 360, and because of a special offer, got The Outfit for free as well. Test Drive is a good multiplayer racer, and The Outfit is a bit manic. Good fun though.
Valentines day. I didn't really do much, but I did receive happy valentines messages from a few people... Always nice to know I'm not completely done for...! At fathers in the evening we watched the Little Britain:LIVE DVD. Hilariously funny and with sketches that weren't performed when I went to see them at the NIA. I came home and dossed about on the PC for a bit before going to bed.
On Thursday myself and Father went to the motorcycle meuseum. I had never actually been round the place, but was glad I did. They have virtually every model of british bikes since the 1900's! Obviously I took lots of photo's but have only uploaded a few. (I realise your time is precious, dear reader)
Ah, and we start with my favoritest bike ever. The Vincent Black Shadow! Perfection in engineering and no mistake!
1957 Triumph classic
The view from the saddle of a '60's Sunbeam
Another nice bike... Fuck-knows what it is, but hey, there we go
It was a good day. In the evening Me, Lank, and Donna went on a mini pub-crawl. We went to the Drawbridge but it was quiz night and it was heaving with people. We decided that the Resevoir would be quieter, so we left.
Funny Story alert!
As we were leaving the Drawbridge I was walking behind Donna, watching her stepping over the kerbstones and flowerbed by the entrance. I was jokingly saying "Don't fall over, don't fall over" whilst poking her in the back. However, (and I want to make this absolutely clear) about 5 seconds AFTER I had stopped doing that, what does she go and do? Yep! Slip straight on to her ass on the carpark! She was OK, thankfully, but couldn't stand up for laughing! We eventually got her in to Lanks car and away we went!
Right, back to normality...
We got to the Res' at about 9:45pm and got sat down with our drinks. At 11:00pm we decided it was too quiet so we went to the Packhorse, since they serve until 12:00 midnight. When we arrived Jason and Gemma, Nikki, and Kaz and John were still there so we pulled up some chairs and joined them. We had a good laugh (as we always do) and left at about 12:40 after being told to vaccate the premises because they were locking up! Lank dropped me and Donna home and I went straight to bed... because I knew Friday would be a bit hectic...
I got up on Friday morning and had some running-about to do. I had also promised father that I would solve his iPod problem for him. Basically, some of the tracks were skipping, so I had to adjust them on my PC and put them back on. All this was done in a rush because it had been agreed last Monday that at the weekend we would go and see Carl in Plymouth! He said he could put 3 of us up for a couple of evenings and that it would be a good laugh so Adam and John got to mine for about 6:30pm with sleeping bags and back-packs in tow. We left an hour later and was on our way. I kept the car at a steady *cough, cough* miles per hour and was making good time down the M5. We stopped once just before Bristol for something to eat, although I rather wished we hadn't...
We went in to Wimpy burger (yes, they do still exist!) and ordered a meal... for £6.25! had I known the price beforehand (not to mention the quality of the food) I certainly wouldn't have bothered. The bread was nasty and cheap, the meat was so thin you could see through it and the sauce was, well, a sort of stain on the bap. We finished up and left. I made it in to Plymouth for just after 11:00pm...
Or more accurately, I made it in to what I THOUGHT was Plymouth for just after 11:00pm. What I had done, and this is rather silly, I had "missed" Plymouth by a couple of miles due to the fact that I forgot to turn off the motorway. Had I not noticed my slight error I may very well have ended up drowning in the English Channel... Or Worse!... France!
No, actually, I had missed one turning on the A38 and was on the outskirts of Plymouth, but not in the City centre, which is where I needed to be... So I went back through the main roads and found myself on the ringroad... Which is where I stayed. Top Tip, readers if you are ever thinking of driving around Plymouth... DON'T! It really is the most confusing, stupid, rat trap of a road system. Take my advise and hack your own legs off, it's easier. Carl gave us directions though and we found his house before 12:00 midnight (just) After unpacking we pretty much turned in for the night because we wanted to go out for the day on Saturday...
Which we did. We got up, had brekkie' and headed on out. We decided that the local Sealife Centre would be good so we went in. Again, I took lots of piccies and the best of the bunch are here for you to enjoy...

Carl and Adam looking at a thinga-ma-bob (which they first mistook for a thingy-ma-jig!)

Fish (Well, duh')
More fish... I'm not quite sure how to tell you any more about them, really.

These have got to be some of the most patriotic anenomes I have ever seen...

A seahorse... Miserable looking bastards, but I suppose I don't blame them. Especially the males! (note: if you don't know what I'm talking about, read through this)

Ah Yes, One of my favorite photo's this was a room in the sealife centre that used to be a large exhibition tank, but had been converted to a research facility that you can observe. In case you can't read the note in the picture it says: SEA 2-5 Low Level Electrical Box Please Keep Closed. I just liked the fact that it had been left completely open!
In the evening we went for a curry. Me and John had been there before when we visited Carl last year whilst he was staying in Halls. It was a good meal and we left all feeling a little bit too full up. We then went to The Voodoo Lounge. It is a lively bar which we also went to the last time we were there. We left at about 2:00am to go and play on the xbox!
The game of choice was Worms Forts... It was shit. During the course of the night we noticed that Carls lamp was casting big shadows on his wall. We also noticed the large inflatable sythe he had in his room (well, he is a student, such things are to be expected!) So naturally, the fun began. I have some interesting photos (not all are suitable for this little blog readers. But here is one that should offend)

Carl pretending to sythe John through the head... See that sythe?... Well the other shadow photos I have involve using the blade section to simulate a certain part of the male anatomy! (yes! That part!)
well Sunday morning came and went. We had lunch and at 3:30pm we set off back home. We hit a jam about half an hour in to the trip so we stopped for a McDonalds (Not a bloody Wimpy Burger!) The journey was OK but not as quiet as before. We ended up singing along to my '80's CD for about 2 hours to kill some time and boredom. I reached Becketts Island at 7:15pm and dropped john home. After Adam got picked up from my house I went down to my nans as I usually do on a Sunday (well, I like watching Top Gear at my nans!) I came home for 10:00pm though as i was absolutely shattered. in fact i can't remember getting in to bed because I was 3-parts-gone anyway!
And it is there I will leave you, dear readers. I am off out in a bit to go and see Hot Fuzz in Solihull. catch you later.