Tuesday, January 24, 2006

2 + 2 = Bollocks

Well readers. I had my interview. I got to Warwick Uni' at about 3:50 which gave me about 20 minutes to practice what I wanted to say and to get in the right frame of mind... Except it didn't give me 20 minutes, it gave me 40 because the people doing the interview were late starting. There were 12 people including myself and after the brief introduction we were split in to 2 groups of 6. Myself and the 5 I was with were given a group interview which was more like a general conversation on education issues, we were then asked specific questions whilst a woman made notes on our answers. Afterwards our group of 6 was split in to 2 groups of 3 and we were given a scenario and had to come up with a lesson plan to suit that scenario, making observations on different childrens abilities, curriculum significance, resources needed, activities done during the lesson and the final aims and objectives that we intended to procude. (In case you were wondering the scenario was for a PHSE lesson on healthy eating) After that was over we then joined the other 6 (who had gone through the same procedure in another room) for a final "summing up" of what the course was all about and what was expected of each student. I was told I scored very highly with my input and suggestions, and that I had the right personality.... Fantastic.....

.... Or not...

To teach any subject in this country, every teacher must hold at least a GCSE, grade C, in maths. Those who don't have to take an adult mathematics qualification so that they can acheive "QTS" (Qualified Teacher Status.) Being a bit thick, I don't have a GCSE, grade C in maths. I have a D. Up until now I have been told that I can take either a GCSE re-sit or equivalent qualification AT THE SAME TIME as doing my GTP. However. I was told by the main tutor at Warwick that infact I needed this qualification BEFORE I could even be offered a place...

... This is a proverbial "Kick in the teeth."

I am going to have to get on the phone to Learn Direct and see if they can offer me a short course in a qualification in maths that is equal to, or above, GCSE level (and to see how much that is going to cost.) I am quite annoyed at this because it seems like every time I make a step forward, the actual possibility of getting on the course moves 3 steps further away. I am on the verge of giving up because the school won't support me forever, and I need to start making some real money. (I'm also getting tired of people saying "Those who can, Do. Those who can't, Teach" to me. It's not like it's an original thing to say and it gets very annoying very quickly when a group of people start undermining your career choice.)

Ah well. I need to relax, I suppose. I should be going to see Underworld Evolution tonight.

TTFN readers

Sunday, January 22, 2006

From Solihull to Coventry is 11.7 Miles

... It's true readers. I tested it. I thought I had better update this before we passed the "2 whole weeks without posting one smegging thought" marker... So here it is...

Work at school is as normal, as is work at the Legion. (Except that I'm starting to get bored of the place now...) Last week however, my entertainment options were blown wildly open when Mr Robinson purchased Xbox live. After seeing how easy, cheap, and down-right brilliant it was, I decided to order it as well. Halo 2 is just fantastic online and there is a sense of a real community between players from all over the world.

On a more serious note, I had a bit of bad news at the start of the week, when I found out that Mark and Donna had been in quite a serious crash. Mark was driving through Solihull when the back end of his Focus started to slide. I will ignore the details but basically the car ended up on its roof. Thankfully the only injuries were cuts and bruises. Mark had to have a few stitches in his knee, but I think his pride was damaged the most. I hope they get well as soon as possible...

The other major thing that happened during the course of my blogging absence was that I received a letter from Warwick University summoning me for a "first-steps" meeting about the GTP art and design course that I should have started ages ago. I'm not sure what the outcome of this meeting will be. There will be other people there in the same situation that I am in and most of them will probably have a better degree result than me. I can only hope that somehow my shining personality will get me through.......

..... I'm screwed, aren't I?

Well they say whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger (if you died whilst lifting weights, would it cause a paradox?) So I can only give it my best shot. If I do get on the course it will mean several things:

1) I will be earning nearly 3 times as much as I do now.
2) The Mondeo can be swapped for a newer model.
3) I can quit the legion and get my weekends back.

To make sure I can get there on time (turning up late for the interview would NOT go down well) I did a "dry-run" from my house down the Coventry road to Warwick Uni' to see how long it takes me (which is about 40 minutes, with traffic and roadworks.) I have to go there tomorrow and the whole thing is a 3 hour process!

.... I'm off to start praying... TTFN readers

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I like chinese, they only come up to your knees, but they're cute and they're cuddly and they're ready to please...

Howdy readers.

Yesterday it was Mr Turbitts birthday. I bought him a goodmans alarm/radio from Comet (I love a bargain!) We celebrated by going to Wok's Hall in Solihull. Adam, Me, John, Marcus, Gemma and Woody all arrived at about 8-ish and we got stuck in to the starters (yes, that is plural.) After Mr Turbitt went up for his main courses (again, plural) I organised a special "treat" for him at the end of the meal. 3 courses later and Adam was going on about how he wanted dessert... He got one. A childrens sundae with a single birthday candle in it was bought to the table and happy birthday played over the audio system (as I had requested) they then took his photo with an instant camera and I am sure it will make it's internet debut on Mr Turbitts website, when he gets round to updating it.

Thats all from me readers. TTFN

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Just about sums me up...

Your Birth Month is March

You love life and exude an outgoing, cheerful vibe.
Blessed with a great sense of humor, you can laugh at adversity.

Your soul reflects: Respect, desire, and generosity

Your gemstone: Aquamarine

Your flower: Daffodil

Your colors: White and light blue

You Are Balanced - Realist - Empowered

You feel your life is controlled both externally and internally.
You have a good sense of what you can control and what you should let go.
Depending on the situation, you sometimes try to exert more control.
Other times, you accept things for what they are and go with the flow.

You are a realist when it comes to luck.
You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random.
You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you...
But you do your best to try to make your own luck.

You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.
You realize that working the system does get you further.
You know who to defer to and who to control.
When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.

Your IQ Is 138

Your Logical Intelligence is Above Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average

Your General Knowledge is Above Average
Cool.... TTFN readers.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I blog because I can....

Well readers I thought I had better update. It's been over a week since I added anything to this little journal of mine and I didn't want to appear to be abandoning it. I went back to work on Thursday so 2006 is now officially here. The holiday season is over and normal service has been resumed (Roll on half term!)

In other news, we have had a new girl start at the legion. She was in my sisters year at Woodrush. I don't know her surname but I will ask her when I am in their later today (in about 40 minutes, actually)

I have just had Sunday lunch (Pork chops... Luvvly Jubbly!) and will go and find something for dessert...


Question: When do you think people will stop saying "Two thousand and...." and start saying "Twenty..." when saying the date?

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Yes readers. A very happy new year to each and every one of you. We had a good night at the Legion. I brought a bunch of mistletoe with me to decorate the bar with, and coupled with some good music and a vibrant atmosphere, we all had a good time. The mistletoe was put to good use (no not on the grannies we get in!) and I got my fair share of new years kisses (quite a few from young female relatives of members whom I didn't know... But hey, it's all good!)

Right... TTFN readers.