Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Photo a la Austria
3 photos for your viewing plesure
Ok, so they aren't super-mega photos, but look at the scenery!
The top picture is me, my sis' and father half way down the run towards the gondola station at Fugen, the middle one is me and Selena about to enjoy a beer (or "Bier" as it's spelled over there) in Hochfugen, and the bottom photo was taken from the position of the table in the middle photo, looking out over the mountains!
Cool. 'eh? Right. TTFN.
Did you know: Statistically you are more likely to be killed by a donkey than you are on an aeroplane.
Blogged by Sir
3:36 pm
w00t! (what does that mean, anyway?)
Firstly, let me appologise for not updating for a week. I have been very busy and have neglected my duties as a blogger. A very big sorry must go to Lank who hasn't had anything to read at work due to my tardiness and lack of updates.
Well school was school, and the legion was the legion. No news to report on the money making side of things....
... However....
.... I HAVE MY NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in this colour!)
I picked it up from Chambers-Peugeot over in Tamworth yesterday evening. It runs superb. I am really pleased with it.
I got pretty bored of just playing "The Simpsons: Hit & Run" last saturday I went and bought Halo 2, and a second control pad for my Xbox.
I have accuired some skiing photos that I will post on here as a seperate blog. Although since new blogs appear at the top of the page, you will have had to scroll past them to be reading this....... so scroll back up.....
Blogged by Sir
2:23 pm
Friday, April 22, 2005
It's finaly happened!
Well work was quite boring yesterday, as was today so I will skip it.
Yesterday evening Kieran brought round a Mondeo that his garage had for sale. 1.8 verona 16v, 5dr hatchback, Dark metallic green, ford 5 spoke alloys, air-con, remote central locking, electric front windows. VERY tidy interior and a nice looking car. I drove it down to the maypole and back home. I fell in love with it and agreed to buy it! I can pick it up Wednesday!
I also have become bored with my Gamecube, so I went and got myself an Xbox!
See you all later...
Blogged by Sir
3:39 pm
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Stress factor 10....
Nothing very interesting happened yesterday. In the evening, Me John Adam and Carl went over to Ralph and Kirsty's house over in Minworth. Nice place with a very modern feeling to it.
It's Coronation Street all the way tonight, seeing father later and hopefully I will get my hands on the skiing photos. If I do I will post the best ones on here. There should be a few funnies in there somewhere.
Today at work was stress city. Pupils need to learn not to take me on... They will lose. Mr Evans is always in charge, ha ha!
I am off now to relax. Will blog later (hopefully)
Blogged by Sir
5:39 pm
Monday, April 18, 2005
All Together, now...
I have written the following song. I call it "The House of Wythall Legion." Sing it to the tune of "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals...
There is, a house, in Houndsfield lane.
They call Wythall Legion.
And it’s been, the ruin of many a-poor boy.
And god, I know, I’m one
My Bosses were a plenty
They all wore new blue jeans
I tried to save my wage packets
To go, to New Orleans
Now the only thing, a barman needs
Is some beer that don’t drip
And the only time, he’s satisfied
Is when he’s earned a tip
Oh mothers, tell your children
Not to do what I have done
Spend your life in sincere misery
Working in the British Legion
I’ve got one foot on the platform
The other foot on the train
I’m going back to the Legion
To wear that ball and chain
There is a house on Houndsfield Lane
They call Wythall Legion
And it’s been, the ruin of many a-poor boy.
And god, I know, I’m one
Blogged by Sir
4:51 pm
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Saturday nights alright, alright.
After Fridays army of people invading the function room, yesterday was a relief. We were quite quiet and all the staff could relax slightly. The band, True Spirit, were good (the guitarist used to be one of my dad's engineers, you know!) and played some classics, as well as "Is this the way to Amarillo?" which many of the bands are starting to play now.
I am in work in 2 hours. The football is on, so we might be quite busy... Why don't they just rename "Sky Sports" to "Sky Football" because that seems to be the only "sport" on telly nowadays. I mean which idiot dubbed it as "the beautiful game"? whats so good about football? all the players ever do is run around, kicking a ball and everytime it gets taken off them, they throw a tantrum and pretend to be hurt... Its a load of bollocks, is what it is. None of todays players play because they actually want to. They do it for the obscenely large amounts of cash they get payed for doing sod-all..... why don't doctors and nurses get paid £10,000 a week for their jobs? they are far more valuable than any football team. I mean think about it like this:
If you stopped all league football in the country and dissolved all the teams, what would happen? Nothing. So you wouldn't have any football to watch on a saturday, big deal............. Now do the same with hospitals.......... Different story isn't it? the country would virtually collapse under the loss of people being ill and eventually dying. And yet the government want to put more money in to sports than they do in to the NHS. Its a bloody mad world we live in. "Hmm.... Do we need more hospital beds and beter equiped staff, or do we need some new kits for our football teams... Hmm?.... Hmm?" I know which one gets my vote, Tony...
Ah well, that's enough political ranting for now. As I sit here writing this, the faint aroma of lasagne is coming from the kitchen, telling me that dinner is ready. I will blog later, but first I must eat......
Blogged by Sir
12:47 am
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Here in my car....
I got up bright and early this morning to do some car hunting. I had a list of cars ready and I narrowed it down as far as I could:
- Audi A4
- Ford Escort
- Ford Mondeo Zetec
- Nissan Almera
- Rover 420
- Vauxhall Vectra
- Volkwagen Passat
Well the Audi had high milage, as did the Vectra, the Escort was owned by a chav boy-racer, the Mondeo was ok but a bit pricey, the Almera was nice and I might take a test drive, the Passat was crap, and I will hold-out on the Rover incase Longbridge folds and all the Rovers start selling for peanuts.
Well I have to get ready for work so I will sign off.....
Blogged by Sir
5:59 pm
Friday, April 15, 2005
Busy as a bee...
Well Cradle of Filth were spectacular live. Musicians, comedians, and true showmen. When we got to Wolverhampton we were greeted by hoards of the undead. I think Carl was the most ordinary dressed. The warm up bands were good and a good time was had by all.
Going to work (school) this morning was univentful, and so was the working day. I came home and flicked through the Autotrader and picked out a few motors. Being pressed for time I didn't go to look at any today, but I will be going tomorrow morning.
Work (legion) was busier than usual due to a private party in the function room. I am knackered so will be going to bed now.... night night.
Blogged by Sir
11:59 am
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Telephones, Haddock, and Death Metal...
Well Jo was still in Brum' so we all went to the Bluebell in Hockely Heath (I get so bored of Solihull.) Jo Gemma and John were nearly an hour late because of a trip to McDonalds first. (Junk food will make you fat, guys)
Today at work was a bit different. I arrived at 8:30 and was told that there was a small school trip to Avon museum and college complex because of a new government scheme that allows some bright pupils the chance to do extra courses out side of school. Things like Btecs and HNDs in areas such as Management, Catering, Marketing etc. Avon Museum would pick the kiddies up, and bring them back, and give them lunch, but they needed a member of staff to accompany them.......
..... You can see where this is going, can't you?
..... The minibus arrived. Myself and 14 pupils were bunged in to it and set off down the M42. My instructions were to make sure that the pupils weren't misbehaving, chewing gum, swearing or arsing around...
The museum is a nice place with all sorts of things to do. There was a model railway (a really really big one!) and old telephone booths that were linked to a real old fashioned switchboard that you could have a go on. We had a talk on the courses avaliable along with South Bromsgrove Highschool and then went down the road to the Hilton Hotel in Bromsgrove so that the kiddies could learn about what sort of jobs these courses can lead to. We had a VIP tour of the hotel, including "behind the scenes" like in the kitchens and management suites. Afterwards we were back in the minibus and taken to the local harvester for lunch. I had Haddock and chips with a salad... ALL FOR FREE! (no actually it's better than that because I was being PAID for it! woohoo!)
I am going out in a bit with Carl to see Cradle of Filth at the Wolverhampton Civic hall. As I write this he is sitting on the couch looking at my novelty holographic clock. I will blog any/all events that happen whilst I am there...
This is Gareth Evans, Blogging off.....
Blogged by Sir
3:49 pm
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The Woodrush Monty Python Tribute Society
2 months ago, the only thing the kiddies could quote were "yeah, know" and "want that one!" But all is not lost. The joys of Monty Python have overtaken Little Britain in terms of popularity, proving that the masters of comedy are timeless. I can't move without someone doing the parrot sketch, bits of The Life of Brian, or The Holy Grail. It's great. It's also hilarious coming in to see 5 pupils, arm-in-arm singing the "knights of the round table" song. Much funnier than everyone declaring that they are the only gay in the village every 30 seconds.
But enough of that, lets press on with it....
I should be going out later. I hope Jo is still in Birmingham. I'm always working or doing something when she pops back and never really get to see much of her nowadays.
Well I forgot to mention it in yesterdays blog, but I had my ears done and it didn't work, so I'm still deaf. Sorry guys, you will have to keep shouting until I get them done again on Monday. Actually, talking about this, I am finding more and more people who, rather than show me any sympathy, just take the piss. It's amazing how many people will deliberately talk quietly and "test" my hearing by insulting me but gradually get louder until I hear them... It's not fun being deaf.
I'm off to have some tea. Sausages and mashed potato with onions and gravy! Luverleeee!!!!
Blog ya laters, folks.
Blogged by Sir
3:34 pm
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Second day back at work...
It's My Auntie Jans' Birthday today! Me and my sister have got her a bottle of wine and we are going round later for a curry..... nice! (although it does mean I won't get to see Jo this time unless she is avaliable tomorrow.)
Well school was fun. I had a day taming disobedience and very bad smells (just don't ask..... Imagine the worst case scenario, and you have probably got it.) The things I do in the name of education, 'eh?
What else is there to talk about...?
...... Nothing. Right ho. I'm off to get something to eat. Catch you laters.
Blogged by Sir
5:36 pm
Monday, April 11, 2005
First day back at work
Easter is over, the choccy eggs are gone, it's all systems go again. The kiddies are hyper from all the chocolate and pissed-off that they are back at school.... Energetic kiddies + Moody kiddies = Stressful Working Environment
I'm going out later but not sure where... Is Carl having a house-warming party? Has he already had it? Where was I? Was I at work? Are you fed up of me asking these rediculous questions? Ok, ok... I will report back as soon as the evening is over, blogging any/all events that have happened.
See you all later....
Blogged by Sir
3:07 pm
Sunday, April 10, 2005
I can't think of a witty title for this one.... Sorry
Well work was quiet. So not much to report there, but we will press on. As I write this pointless, yet almost mandatory blog, I am listening to Queen. I won't bore you with all the speel I'll just get on with it...
Tomorrow I am going to the Bank to withdraw the money for a car! With a careful eye, a wad of cash, and some luck, I might, just possibly, maybe have a new car by Saturday. But only if I can find a suitable one in Autotrader. I am taking father (or is father taking me?) on Friday to view any/all decent Mondeos on sale. I will still need to get the Golfs door resprayed and sold at some point but that shouldn't be a problem.
I am going to bed now.... I have work tomorrow.
did you know: "Weed killer" in Dutch is "Wim twat" (I bet you didn't!)
Blogged by Sir
10:06 pm
All work and no play makes Gareth a dull boy
... Fortunately however, this is not the case, because yesterday at work I was joined by Jason, Kate and Jenny. After finishing at the Legion we ordered a takeaway from Millenium balti and went back to Jasons house. We played cards, had a drink, and watched "Not another teen movie" which was slightly better than that all time classic "watching paint dry" (well it had a few funny moments, unlike paint drying, which tends to be quite uneventful from start to finish)
Well not much else to write, other than I have just seen an advert for the Birmingham Blues Brothers appearing at Becketts Farm on the 30th of May. I will book my tickets!
Well I have to get ready for todays stint at the Legion so I will sign off. TTFN
Quick tip: "when preparing a surprise cake that someone jumps out of, cook the cake before the person gets inside" it.
Blogged by Sir
2:31 pm
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Robot Rage
I have found the coolest thing! It's an online rip-off of Robot Wars called Robot Rage. You get a simple robot and compete against real people for credits which you use to buy upgrades. Very cool game. If you feel the need to investigate go here. It is completely free (although it does have the option of being able to buy "super weapons" for real money but its not worth it) and you don't need to download any software. Just create a username/password and you are set to go! (Incase you actually want to play, and would like to take me on, my robots name is "Compukill" yes it's cheesy but who cares?)
Blog ya' later alligator
Blogged by Sir
11:42 am
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Syringe time!
Well Dr Omo-dare (pronounced "Omma-dary") told me that my ears are clogged due to my ear infection and as a result my eardrums have gooey crap stuck to them, meaning they can't vibrate, which is why I am deaf. I am going to get them syringed next Tuesday at 5:20..... Nice!
I woke up late today, although I did go to bed at about 4:30 this morning because after I had finished talking to Jinxy (my canadian MSN pen-friend and general advise giver) I sat and played computer games on Flashplayer for a couple of hours. I really must try and be a little more inventive with my spare time.
On a happier note, my sister passed her driving test today. It was her first time and she passed with only 2 minors! not bad. Now at least I have the option of a lift every now and then and I can save a bit of money on petrol. And while we are on the subject of cars, I have found a nice Mondeo that I will hopefully be going to see on Saturday. S reg', Dark metallic green, 1.8 zetec with electric everything, alloys, immobiliser, etc. Looks nice from the picture on Autotrader. We shall see...
Right, thats all for now. See you all on the flip-side.
random thought: If the cat had been walking the other way, would the guy who invented cats eyes have invented the pencil sharpener instead?
Blogged by Sir
4:02 pm
Monday, April 04, 2005
Boring day...
Todays routine:
- Got up (eventually)
- Played on PC (Battle for Middle Earth)
- Ate small pizza (pepperoni)
- Played on PC (
- Went to get ink cartridge frpm PC world (and bought Zoo Tycoon 2)
- Listened to some music (After discovering that Zoo Tycoon 2 doesn't run on my PC)
- Ate Chinese chicken (with chopsticks)
- Got changed (and washed)
- Collected John (at 7:30)
- Went to Adams (and then on to Carls)
- Came home (via Earlswood)
- Started blogging (the thing that you're reading)
What a wasted day... Although I did win 3 games in a row on Halo 2!
Tomorrow will be different. I have a doctors appointment at 5:45 because my ear is getting worse. I hope they will tell me that it can be sorted. It's not funny being nearly deaf, I can tell you.
Random website: Not only is it one huge palindrome. It actually makes sense (in some parts, in fragmented sentances) whoever concieved this deserves a medal (and a social life)
I will blog tomorrow. I am going to bed....
Blogged by Sir
11:59 pm
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Nutter on the piste!
The top of Kaltenbach has a great run down, but seems to attract nutters, as proven below...
A rather silly one of myself.
Blogged by Sir
7:30 pm
I'm Baaaack! (eventually)
Well readers I have returned, no bones broken, no vital organs in need of repair (sorry to disapoint)
We had a great time. Me, my dad, my sister, and two friends Annie and Chris. I will break this blog down into days and put the photos at the end. Read on:
Well we arrived at Coventry airport ( 3 sheds and a carpark!) at about 4am and went through the usual process of getting on the plane with no delay. The flight was boring and univentful so I wont bore you with needles details.. Got to Austria and was able to ski in the afternoon in Fugen. Weather was excellent!
Got up and had brekkie' and went skiing (shock!) weather was nice. We went over to the neighbouring resort of Kaltenbach where I took great delight in racing a couple of boarders and absolutely caining them in a straight line dash down a redrun. ha-ha!!!!
Back over to Kaltenback and the sun was beating down. We got over the other side of the mountain and enjoyed a full day of excellent conditions.
Got on the skibus to Hochfugen. Nice resort with some nice interlinking pistes.Took out a snowboarder that tried to show off. He collided with my skis and went arse-over-tip. Prat. In the afternoon we did what is called the "gold run" a 2km piste full of rocks, ice, and chopped up terrain. Hell on earth to ski, but when we did it, it felt good to have completed.
First day of clouds. Hochfugen was fogged over and we were skiing blind. Not nice.... Interesting... But not nice. I took a really good wipeout when I tried tazzing down a run and failed to see the big icey spot in the middle of the run... Ouch.
Went to Kaltenbach but skied the 3km track over to Hochfugen in the afternoon. Took another fall when my skis dug into soft snow and I was catapulted out of my bindings... Tasted mountain big time!
Just up into Fugen for our last day skiing. Weather was cloudy but got better. Took it nice and gentle. We got back to the hotel and got ready to leave... Now I must point out that this isn't where my story ends because getting back to the UK was a mission in its own right...
We got to the airport at 8pm and was told there was a delay. 10:30 came and we were told that there was no chance of getting a replacement plane until the following morning. Got sent off (with 150 other people) to the Salzburg Airport Hotel and told that our flight would be at 10:30 the following morning.
Got up to find that our 10:30am flight had been delayed! (lovely!) and another flight had been arranged for 7:30pm. We spent the day in Salzburg town and visited the local markets and (my favorite little adventure) visited the house where Mozart was born. Interesting to see his first violin and piano and learn a bit about him. Got to the hotel ready to be bused back to the airport for our flight. When we got there we found that the flight was going to Gatwick!!!! Everyone was very angry but nothing could be done. Got into Gatwick at about 8pm GMT and was told that we would be getting on a coach to get up to coventry which would take 3 hours. After an hour waiting for the luggage and the horrible moment when we thought our skis had been lost (they hadn't, they were just put on the wrong carousel) we got on the coach (parked up in the next terminal!) at 9:30.
The coach left at 10pm after the luggage was loaded and we set off to Coventry.... hurray
At 10:10 the coach developed a strange "thunking" noise and the driver had to crawl along because he thaught he had something wrong with a front tyre... People were not amused....
10:30 someone pointed out that the "thunking" noise was due to the driver driving over the raised cats eyes on the motorway... People were REALLY not amused! Saturday soon became...
... And at 1am we pulled into Coventry Cattle shed (sorry, I mean "Airport") and discovered that the main carpark (where our car was) was completely closed off by the police due to a traffic accident... (I was starting to become very angry at this point) after negotiation the carpark was opened and we set off for home. Got back to Wythall at about 2am and went to bed!
So there we have it folks! I have a picture here but more will follow when my dad gets his photo's back and I can scan them in for you.... Enjoy!
Hochfugen on a nice wide piste (what is Annie doing to me with that pole!?)
That looks painfull...
Blogged by Sir
12:27 pm